Saturday, January 2, 2021

A Brand New Year

 Happy Twenty Twenty-One!

I sincerely hope 2020 ended on a good note for all of you and that this new year is one filled with blessings and no sickness. I pray that for all of us. Covid has struck so many friends and loved ones for many of us. I've managed to stay healthy and safe, but I don't get out a great lot and we've started getting grocery pick-up from Wal-Mart (where we normally shop anyway), which I really like.

I also wanted to share my word for 2021:


As a verb, here are the meanings I found.....

"make (someone or something) different: alter or modify"

 And, as a noun.....

"the act or instance of making or becoming different"

My focus verse is Deuteronomy 2:3 ( the first part).....

"You have circled this mountain long enough"

Some of you might understand exactly why this has so much meaning for me and why God gave me the word change. I truly need to change my thinking and how I've handled a situation that I have absolutely no control over!

 Well, I just wanted to check in and let Y'all know that I'm still alive and kicking (although not too high these days because of old age and being overweight and arthritis....😊)

I'm hoping to get back to posting every now and then this year!




  1. Oh, I love your word CHANGE...and the verse you shared from Deut. 2:3 That is a great verse for all of us who tend to get stuck in a rut in one or more areas of life and we need to quit going back around the mountain and get out of that rut. With God's help we can do that...but without Him we will remain stuck. However, we have to take that first step of faith, and let Him lead us upward and onward. I do hope you will post more often. You always have something important and good to share with us!! Happy New Year dear friend.

  2. It is so great to see you here, dear Deb!! Change is a good word. I didn't have one last year and haven't felt moved by one (yet) this year. I'm glad you found one that has meaning for you!! Looking forward to seeing you here more often in 2021!! Peace & hugs!

  3. Change is a great word! It carries so much hope and expectation. Happy New Year!

  4. Change is a good word, smiles. Nice to see you sweet friend. smiles

  5. This did my heart good. I have missed your blog. I see things on your FB page for Breathing in Grace and I am friends with you on there, but I still missed following your blog. Hope we hear from you more!

  6. CHANGE is a great word Deb. Glad to see you blogging some lady. Hope you will stop by and visit. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  7. So good to see you here. I've been enjoying your posts on Instagram. Your kitty is so cute. Hope you have a blessed year!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24