Friday, July 24, 2020

{ Friday Foto Friends #189 }

Our grand kiddos get to spend the night with us somewhere around their birthday each year. They get to pick where they want to eat and that's a treat for Pappy and me, too, but this year it was carry out or drive-thru. Because of COVID, this year's outings are looking different than in years past also. We have two grandboys with birthdays in July. Last week our youngest turned seven and this Saturday our oldest will be fourteen. I'm still pondering how that's even possible. Sam, the oldest, wanted me to go on a hike with him and out of the choices he gave me, I picked Seven Islands - which, I thought might be the lesser to two 'evils' since Nannie is not in the best of shape - unless you take into account that round is a shape - but I digress!

Here are some pics I took along the way of our THREE POINT FORTY-FOUR MILE HIKE that took us SEVENTY-THREE MINUTES. Yes, Nannie was dragging and was ever so glad to see my little purple car in the parking lot when we got back.... and thanked the good Lord for air conditioning!

This is my sweet, sweet first-born grandboy.
I'm frowned upon when I post fotos of them, but here's one from behind!
Oh, how I love that boy!

The first part of the trail was paved, but we walked back along this dirt path beside the river.

See the family of ducks in the distance?

Do you see what I see?

And... I always have to share a foto of my Sweet Sage.
Look at that diva!



  1. What a beautiful hike, and especially because it was spent with your sweet grandson! You are the best grandma ever!! Loved the photos, and love your sweet Sage too. Thank you for sharing your wonderful day with us. And happy birthday to your wonderful grandson!!

  2. Oh what a beautiful place to walk. Happy birthday to your grandsons!

  3. Happy birthday to both of your boys! I'm sure that hike with grandma will be a treasured memory and you got some great photos along the way! I'm not sure I could have kept up with you!!

  4. 7 Island? It looks beautiful but I'm so out of shape I don't know if I would make it and definitely not when it was as hot as it was yesterday, maybe today while it is a little cooler. Happy birthday to your handsome escort!

  5. Grands are the best! Sweet time you both spent together on a beautiful hike. MERCY, I am tired thinking about it! LOL! You done good girl and yes, praise the Lord for AC! You are a precious grandmother. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  6. What is that purple bloom?

  7. Sandi... It's called a thistle... it's so pretty, but full of briars.


Kind words are like honeyβ€”
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24