Monday, January 28, 2019

{ Monday Motivation }

Do Y'all set goals for yourself?
Do you have a "to do" list of things you want to accomplish?
Do you feel a sense of relief when you're able to mark things off that list?

I find if I don't set a goal for myself, no matter how small, I don't get much done these days.
Old age?
Mind getting bad?
All three?

I'm gonna jot down what I hope to get done this week right here for Y'all to see and I know it won't make one never mind to most of you, but I need the accountability, so here goes.....

*Drink my water

*Keep the laundry caught up, folded and put away

*Send get-well cards to a couple of folks at church, texts checking on people, and some "just because" messages

*Take the things I've accumulated from cleaning out to the thrift store

*Keep a check on Mom's sore foot

*Clean out the foyer closet, pantry, and hall bath closets

*Decorate the kitchen shelf for Valentine's Day

*Finish up the crocheted heart banner for the shelf

*Try to eat better this week, meaning less sugary foods - they're not good for my joints

*Use the slow cooker more
(that's for all the time)

*TRY to start on the pile of mending I need to get done

Okay, I'm tired already!

I'm gonna print this list off and put it on the fridge so maybe by Friday, I can see some fruits of my labor!
But, I'll keep in mind this verse of scripture, too.....

Image result for proverbs 16:3

HOPE everybody has a Marvelous Monday and a great week!


  1. That is quite the ambitious list, but with God's help you can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you. I have a lot of good intentions also, but then something happens, like I just somehow pulled a muscle in my upper back between the shoulder blades, and I am having to rethink my agenda...the heating pad sounds like my best option right now. I will pray for you from my recliner! :)

  2. Girl, I live with a to-do list! YES, it sure does feel good when my list has check marks saying DONE! Here lately though I have found myself adding some of those things I did not check off to a new list! LOL! I really try to stay on top of things but friend...this friend has got to where I can put things off with the best of them. HA! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. Gosh, I'm tired too!! I don't do "to-do" lists much anymore, but I do keep shopping lists on the 'fridge!! Hope you get some of those things crossed off and are feeling good about it!!

  4. I need to do some of those things too. Have a great week and don’t stress if you don’t get them all done. Oh and I hope you show us the crocheted hearts.

  5. I don't like setting goals, too much pressure! lol I try to develop good habits, sometimes I'm successful and sometimes not, but I try. I'm getting ready to get the valentine box out of the closet and see what I have, it is time to decorate!! Love Ya!!

  6. Busy schedule but a good one! I hope we get to see the Valentine shelf :)


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24