Friday, April 27, 2018

{ Friday Foto Friends #128 }

Spring has sprung.....


We've had a lot of rain this week and it's really brought on the flowers.

Dogwood blossoms.....




That moment you move a rock and realize it's sorta shaped like a heart.....

I'm looking forward to the weekend.....
2 soccer games and working outside and church!

HOPE your weekend is wonderful!

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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

{ Wednesday's Word - Attitude }

  1. a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior

Many years ago we ate at Hyman's Seafood in Charleston, SC and I've never forgotten the atmosphere of the popular restaurant. I'll also never forget the little cards that were placed in the bathrooms that had to do with "Attitude" and "The Rules of Marriage".  Since I've had "attitude" (specifically Philippians 4:8) on my mind a lot lately and because I feel that so much of our happiness and joy (and for me, those two things are intertwined) comes from our attitude, our frame of mind.....
 I thought I'd share the restaurant's motto.....
 just in case someone else needs an "attitude adjustment", too! 

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HOPE your Wednesday is absolutely Wonderful!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

{ What's in a name? }

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The name Debra is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew, the meaning of the name Debra is: Bee, Industrious. Deborah was the Biblical prophetess who summoned Barak to battle against an army of invaders. After the battle, she wrote a victory song which is part of the Book of Judges.

I words and their meanings!

My Mom named me Debra, after Debbie Reynolds, because Ms. Reynolds was a popular actress at the time I was born. I've always been glad that she spelled it that way because I also like being different....LOL!  When I was just a little girl my Daddy bought me a bee brooch that had a pretty pink stone as the body of the bee. Oh, how I wish I still had it. I  don't think he realized the significance when he purchased it and neither did I until years later.

In researching my name, here are a few things I found. Some of these are downright hilarious and others are pretty much spot on!

Debra is Dynamic, Driven, Delightful, Diversified,    Does unto others as she'd like Done unto herself, Dances to the beat of her own drum, Doesn't like to hear the word NO!  Doesn't like to be a wallflower and Dances even if the others aren't, (not true for this Debra - she's an introvert) likes the look of the "D" in her name in cursive handwriting (true) & Digs it when other Debra's, Debrah's, Deborah's, Debora's, Debarah's spell their name like hers (true)- and she usually asks 
"How do you spell your Deb...?"

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Image result for meaning of debbie

Image result for meaning of debra

If I could aspire to be any of the things in any of these statements about "Debra", it would probably be some of those listed in the last "sign".....

"sincere friend"

"rekindles the firest of HOPE when discouraged"
(only thru my HOPE in Jesus Christ)
"believes in courage and personal fortitude"
"passion for TRUTH"

And, the one thing that I'm working on day by day.....
"She lives each day to the fullest"!

What about you, Friends?
Have you ever researched your name and it's meaning and see how well it applies to you? As I did this, I thought about some of my family members and realized just how well their names fit them (especially, my husband because he's certainly a "Jack 0f all trades").  Let me know in the comments (or on Facebook) what your name means and if you feel you've "lived up" to it!

HOPE everybody has a Terrific Tuesday!

Friday, April 20, 2018

{ Friday Foto Friends #127 }

First of all, I can't believe I haven't posted anything at all since last Friday. I meant to, honestly, I did. I'm not sure where the time gets to these days. It can't have anything to do with my age.....
can it?!?!?
Image result for old woman emoji

And, secondly.....
what in the world is going on with the weather? I know, I know, I said I wouldn't talk about it anymore, but seriously?!?!?  I know we're not in charge and we have absolutely no control over it and I have no doubt that God knows what He's doing, but this is April and we've seen SNOW this week. That just doesn't happen in this neck of the woods, Y'all!  But HOPEfully after the freezing temps from last night there's gonna be a warming trend. 

In spite of the cold weather, just take a look at this gorgeous dogwood in my Momma's yard that I snapped a pic of yesterday afternoon.....

And did you notice those blue skies?

Just heavenly!

HOPE everybody has a wonderful weekend in your part of the world!

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Friday, April 13, 2018

{ Friday Foto Friends #126 ]

Today is my Daddy's 90th birthday and he's celebrating with Jesus!  And, how appropriate that his 90th birthday would fall on Friday the 13th since he was also born on a Friday. I was totally a Daddy's girl and although he's been gone for going on twenty-four years, I still miss him so very much. I told our oldest grandboys just yesterday that he would have adored them and they would have loved him so much.  He loved to hunt and fish and was totally an outdoorsman until he got sick with COPD and was hooked up to oxygen for the last 5 years of his life.  I have the blessed assurance that I'll get to see him again someday and he'll be the first one I want to hug when I get to heaven.....

well, after Jesus, of course!

Daddy and me - 1955

Daddy and Jess - 1979

Thanks to everybody who is faithful to join in our Friday Foto Friends link-up each week. 

I appreciate Y'all so much.

Happy Weekend!

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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

{ Wednesday's Word - Smile }


a pleased, kind, or amused facial expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.

When God speaks to our hearts about a certain thing He's doing it always for our own good.....
although we might not see it at the time!
Without going into the "why's" of what He's working on me currently, let's just say it's done wonders for my attitude (which obviously needed some help)!

He's telling me to just SMILE!

When I feel like I'm gonna cry.....

When things aren't going "my way".....

When those same old fears come rising up in my chest.....

Am I the only one who wakes up in the wee hours of the morning with something pressing on my mind?  For the last few weeks if that happens and whatever the current worry might be pops into my mind, I immediately start smiling! Now, I know that probably sounds completely like a crazy woman talking, but it works.....
and I actually smile without exposing my teeth!
(see definition above)
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It's really difficult to focus on your troubles when you're smiling!

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Have a wonderful Wednesday, Sweet Friends!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

{ SONday Morning Song - Trust and Obey }

Oh, how I still love the old hymns.

Seeing this once again takes me back to when I was a little girl growing up in a small country church with ceiling fans and personal fans in the backs of the pews and singing out of the red back hymnal.

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HOPE your SONday is full of blessings!

Saturday, April 7, 2018

{ April }

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Oh, April how do I love thee? 
Let me count the ways! 

I know I'm almost a week late recognizing one of my most favorite months of the year, but I just couldn't let another day go by without giving it the love it deserves! 

Just a few reasons why I love this month.....

*Easter - the most blessed day of celebration for the Christian

*The month my precious Daddy was born, although it was on Friday the 13th and I jokingly told him I was his bad luck - I sure hope he knew what an incredible blessing he was in my life 

*The month I became a wife and we'll celebrate our 41st anniversary in just a few weeks.

Yes, I adore April.  It's such a welcome relief after the long, cold, gray days of winter. With it comes spring rains and green grass and budding plants, dogwood blossoms and wisteria blooms and purple clematis on a rusty trellis and creeping phlox and azaleas bursting with beautiful colors. 

April to me brings with it another of my favorite things.....



Friday, April 6, 2018

{ Friday Foto Friends #125 }

Have you had a good week? 

It's been yet another week of crazy weather in East Tennessee and we didn't get out and about too much so I'm just gonna share a few fotos of "my" sweet birdies.....

 and one crazy squirrel.  

HOPE everybody has a great weekend!

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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

{ Wednesday's Word - Meno' }


to remain, abide; to sojourn, tarry; to continue to be present; dwell; to be held, kept, continually; to continue to be with, not to perish, to last, endure; to  survive, live; to remain as one, not to become another or different; to wait for, await one

I came across the Greek word meno' recently and had to look up the exact definition because I was immediately reminded of my word for 2018.....


I love it when God sends us little reminders!

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Colossians 3:16

Sunday, April 1, 2018

{ Thank You, Jesus ]

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HOPE you have an awesomely blessed Easter SONday!