Not the greatest fan of Katherine Hepburn, but I did hear her say in an interview once that sometimes she'd look at herself in the mirror and wonder who that old woman was. She went on to say that in her mind she was still the same as she'd always been, but it was that image in the mirror that puzzled her!
So, that's the gist of what I'm thinking about today?
I'm gonna ask a few questions and would love for you to chime in with a comment answering some of these burning questions!

How are you handling aging?
(for those of you who are getting old(er) like me)
Do you have a certain "beauty regimen"?
Are there certain skin products that you just can't live without, like moisturizers, cleansers, etc.?
What brand/type make-up do you use?
Do you wear makeup?
What about sunscreen?
Do you exercise?
Go to the gym?
Walk for exercise?
Do you follow a certain diet?
Or eating plan?
Are you a low-carb follower, or low-fat?
What about all those plans out there like Paleo, Keto, etc.?
(Y'all there's too many to list)
Do you hurt?
Are you finding each day there's another ache or pain?
And, if so, what do you do about that?
Are you on a prescription med for arthritis?
Do you use over-the-counter remedies?
Creams, lotions, ointments, essential oils?
Or, are you just letting nature take its course and doing absolutely nothing and accepting that we're gonna change and those lumps and bumps are just a part of aging?
Do you color your hair?
Or, like me, have you embraced the gray?
I certainly have an inquiring mind today, huh?
Whoever said getting old ain't for sisses must have already experienced some of the things I'm going through!
Have a terrific Tuesday.....
(if you can since I've gotten our minds on some not so pleasant thoughts!)

And, just so you know, this was all for fun.....
well, except I do have a nosey inquiring mind!
How about I answer your questions on my blog? Say tomorrow? filled with joy and have a beautiful day, Deb...and btw, your thoughts are creeping into mine, lolol.
ReplyDeleteI’m handling aging about as well as can be expected and it ain’t for sissies.
ReplyDeleteI do not really have a beauty regimen. Really never have.
I cannot live without my St. Ives Skin Renewing Collagen and Elastin Body Lotion.
I typically do not wear make-up. Haven’t for a long time. However, I do need to start wearing sunscreen.
I do walk for my exercise. I do a mile or two 4-5 times a week.
I do not follow a certain diet, but again, I need too. Usually I do low carb now.
I do find I hurt more now than I used too. It started during my chemo treatments over a year ago. So, I’m not sure if it’s age related for cancer related. I know the joint pain I have is mostly due to the cancer medication they have me on. Some days are worse than others, but usually over the counter meds help.
I use Sun-In on my hair, which basically lightens it and keeps the gray from standing out so bad.
Do we get to hear your answers to these questions?
Hi, since I have a Home Ec. Degree and taught Home Economics, I've always realized the importance of good nutrition & a well balanced diet. This means lots of fruit and vegetables, lots of water, low fat dairy products, smaller servings of lean protein, very reduced fats, (I only use olive oil and avocado oil----both high in omega-3's.) No high fructose corn syrup, very, very limited amounts of REFINED carbohydrates (cakes, cookies, chips, snack foods, white bread, etc.). WHOLE GRAIN CARBS are NECESSARY FOR GOOD HEALTH. These include brown rice, baking with whole wheat flour instead of white flour, sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes, whole grain bread and cereals. Eat fruit instead of desserts. This way of eating will keep your weight down, help prevent high cholesterol & high triglycerides, and it helps tremendously to prevent Type 2 diabetes. Eat smaller portions of food at meals to keep weight down. Excess weight causes stress & pain on the joints of the back, knees & hips. Eat baked & broiled foods instead of fried. Eat lots of salads and cole slaw, but watch out for the fatty dressings! If you're able, then walk several times a week. If not able to walk, then a recumbent, stationary bike is an easy, safe, but effective exercise. Look at YouTube for safe exercises for seniors, such as stretching, etc. & chair exercises. Get outside for a little while everyday in good weather so your skin can absorb Vit. D. Ask your Dr. for complete blood tests to identify any problems, along with a thorough physical exam. Have your Dr. test your blood for your Vit. D and Vit. B levels. If these are low, this can make you tired, achy, and even depressed. Get regular colonoscopies and yearly mammograms and have the 3-D breast ultra sound if you have dense breasts. I use natural moisturizers such as liquid lanolin, jojoba oil and grape seed oil, mixed together. Amazing for your skin! I wear makeup when I go out because it makes me feel good! I keep my hair cut, get a body wave because straight hair hanging like a mop is aging. I also have my hair colored with a semi-permanent hair color. You can color it yourself with Natural Instincts Semi-Permanent hair color from Walmart. I pray about everything, turn my life and problems over to God, read the precious promises in His Word, and leave the rest to Him. I try to keep a positive, THANKFUL attitude. I'm seventy (70) years old, but people tell me I look like I'm in my 50's. God is so good, & we can trust Him, no matter what our age. Blessings!
ReplyDeletewow! so many questions. I just read Bev's responses above and am amazed that she has this all covered. Very good! I wish I could say the same for me. Hubby and I walk every day, at least twice a day. I love the fresh air and listening to the birds in the tree tops...I enjoy my walk, and take pictures as I go. So for me it is relaxing as I exercise. I try to eat a well balanced diet, but my cholesterol is high and I am now on simvastatin to control it. Wish I didn't have to take it, but I can't seem to get the numbers down low enough on my own. Other than that, I am healthy. BP is good. Weight is okay. I used a St. Ives collagen/elastin lotion on my face and a heavier Avon lotion on my legs and arms in the dry months. I do use a Cover Girl clean make up to hide the "age spots", and a little eye make up and blush/lipstick. (Avon). I do take vitamin D, B complex, fish oil, and Co Q 10 for the muscle pain related to the simvastatin. I do use a little touch up color mousse in my gray areas (temples). My hair hasn't gone all gray yet, being a natural redhead I think I gray later. I spend time with the Lord each day, try to read and write a lot, and take pictures of everything that makes me smile. Staying active both physically and mentally is important, since I retired 2 years ago. The important thing is to smile and let God be in control of life...because He is...and we need to sit back and leave the driving to Him! Don't sweat the small things, and remember, they are all small things! (I think Chuck Swindoll said that years ago!) Pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks...I Thess. 5:16-18.
ReplyDeleteI feel blessed to be aging! My two first cousins died at age 59. My dad died at age 63. My mom died at age 65. I will be 66 on Monday and I feel so blessed about that. I can deal with my bad knees and the pain. I quit wearing makeup when I retired. I quit coloring my hair a couple of years ago. I have always used a moisturizer on my face that has sunscreen. I do get a facial every four weeks. I don't exercise or do much walking because it hurts. That's not all of your questions, but I think I hit some of them!! I just feel blessed.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteI have to tell you this as you will laugh. Everyone that knows me well at church knows I love my lipstick. One night at a ladies event I won a door prize and my gift was Avon products with a 3 mini tubes of lipstick, different colors. Everyone hooped and hollered for me cause they knew I loved lipstick. After the event this lady whom I did not know, she came as a guest, was probably in her late 80's came up to me and said, "I take it from the crowd that you are a lipstick fan. I said yes mam I am as I smiled. She leaned over and said, "Well honey, I don't care if you wear a gallon of it, it might make your lips look good but it won't keep you from dying one day! She laughed and walked off. I was kinda taken aback but afterwards I thought about her words. So very true! We can do everything we want to do to help delay the aging process with our looks. We can take all the vitamins we want. Use all the creams, gels and oils. We can dye our hair every color in the rainbow. We can buy the latest skin product on the market. And yes, I can have a tube of lipstick in every shade. BUT....I WILL NOT ESCAPE death! Praise the Lord I know the one that will give me a brand new body one day!
ReplyDeleteLove you Deb.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Wow! That lady was certainly a fountain of good humor! Even though what she said was true...jeepers...I'll never look at my tube of lipstick the same way again!! That was strange...but I just noticed that you said she was in her late 80' I guess she's entitled to express her thoughts so candidly. Yes, we do have a brand new body to look forward to one day...and we won't even need lipstick then at all to make us beautiful!!!
DeleteCindy, that was humorous about the lipstick! I can just imagine the elderly woman saying that. But, you know, my husband tells me it's nice for a woman to look her best as she gets older. He says it makes him so proud of me and glad that I care enough to work on my appearance. It's a delight to please that sweet man! Plus, it makes me feel good about myself. Looking forward to that "brand new body" and seeing the Lord and all the dear ones who have gone to Heaven!! Blessings to you!
DeleteLove to read your questions. But how to answer :-)
ReplyDelete1. How are you handling aging?
I put my life ans pains in God’s hands. Trying to walk with Him very day. Listen to beautiful music when I am depressed.
2. Are there certain skin products that you just can't live without?
My skin is very dry, so I use oil with myrrh for my face. Sometimes anointing oil named lily of the valleys. It are Jewish products.
3. What brand/type make-up do you use? Do you wear makeup?
In house I don't use make up. When I come outside: eye pencil, blue eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara and I try to camouflage some freckles
4. What about sunscreen?
Pistache oil 😊
5. Do you exercise? Go to the gym?
Fitness twice a week in a gym, 5 minutes cycling from my house
6. Do you follow a certain diet? Or eating plan?
I am recovering from a kind of anorexia. It is going very well for two months now. My eating problem grew out of my grief processing. Healthy food now. Learn to enjoy food again. And a vitamin D supplementation is very necessary because I have a deficiency of vitamin D.
7. Do you hurt? Are you finding each day there's another ache or pain? And, if so, what do you do about that?
Yes, I use paracetamol for the pain caused by my hypermobility. I also have cooling ointment. And warming ointment. And in the winter my electric blanket. Sometimes elstic bandages. Doing gentle exercises to strenghten the muscles around my hypermobile joints. I have a very good physiotherapist.
8. Do you color your hair? Or, like me, have you embraced the gray?
I use sometimes a little bit henna but it is more important to wash my ling, dry hair with a good shampoo shamppo with moroccanoil in it