Wednesday, August 30, 2017

{ Wednesday's Words - Bite Your Tongue }

 bite one's tongue
  make a desperate effort to avoid saying something
(with an emphasis on "desperate" for me.....😉)

"Slow to Speak"

Being transparent again today!

I've heard those words so many times in the past few weeks and when that happens, 
I'm pretty sure God's trying to do a work in my heart.....

I did a bit of research and found several Bible verses that were an "ouch"!

Image result for proverbs 17:27

Image result for ephesians 4:29

Image result for proverbs 21:23

Image result for james 1:19-20

I've never been one to write on myself,
but whatever it takes to serve as a reminder.....

Deuteronomy 6:8
Tie them to your hands.....

(and my grand-kiddos find this so funny)

Psalm 141:3
Take control of what I say, O Lord,
    and guard my lips.

Image result for proverbs 21:23

HOPE everybody has a Wonderful Wednesday!


  1. oh oh...your talking to very guilty. Thank you sweet friend. smiles

  2. Now why you gotta go and start talking about the tongue and words, and being quiet! LOL! Lord yes I need all the help I can get today too. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. Good reminder, good words.
    Tie them to your hands... yes too manya times we have words without putting them into deeds! Our words need to come through in what we do and how we do it!
    Happy Wednesday.

  4. That tongue of ours can sure do a lot of harm or so much good.

  5. I feel so convicted by your post!! lol One of my everyday (well almost everyday) prayer is for the Lord to help me with my BIG MOUTH !! Looks like another 'something' we have in common. Hope all is well with you and Jack!!

  6. Wow! You said a "mouthfull" there! All good stuff. Thank you for this huge reminder. I need this every day. Sometimes my "fingers" do my talking here on Facebook, etc., and I need to be just as careful there as in using my voice.


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24