Saturday, August 19, 2017

{ Hang on }

I'm writing this because so many friends have shared their difficult situations and prayer requests with me.

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I know all of you have had something happen in your life that caught you off guard.....
something that you just didn't see coming, 
or NEVER thought would happen to you.

As most of you know, 
HOPE is my all-time favorite word because without HOPE in any given difficult situation we just give up.  
HOPE for me is that light at the end of the tunnel. 
 It's hanging on even when it feels like you're doing so by the very tips of your fingers.  
We constantly HOPE that things will get better. 

Finding JOY in those troubled times is sometimes hard, 
but we all know there's a big difference in being happy and being full of JOY!  
We often try with every fiber of our being to be PATIENT when.....
if you're like me.....
you want that PRAYER answered!  

In the waiting, 
we remain FAITHFUL to continue to PRAY for God's intervention.....
for HIM to give us wisdom and discernment to continue to see and to seek HIM even in the midst of the trial.....

no matter how long it should last!

HOPE and PRAYERS for all of you struggling!


  1. Such a hope-filled and positive message this morning, Debbie. Thank you so much. I know there are many out there who need these words of encouragement and hope. I've been there many times myself. It seems as thought we all go through seasons of life when we are struggling with different issues and we lose sight of our hope...but Jesus is always there, ready and waiting to lift us up and to carry us and give us hope again...and joy as well!! So thankful for good friends like you who know how to point us to Jesus, where our hope comes from!! Thank you for this today!!! A breath of fresh air!

  2. Thank you for a very important post, Debbie. I think its safe to say the majority of us are hanging on. My husband said last night, "Oh to be called home to sweet Jesus...I hope I never live long enough to see another civil war in this country." Scary thoughts...that popped out of his mouth/mind.

    Yes friend...all we can do is be Faithful and pray.

  3. I dont know what I would do without hope...hope in God, and his love for me. What an encouraging post...thank you.

  4. Thank you so much for today's uplifting post. I truly appreciate the times that you have listened to me as I continue my journey each day not giving up hope. You and Jack are always in my prayers. I am so blessed to have you a part of my life. You indeed are my forever friend and I love you bunches!

  5. A lovely message and the power of prayer is amazing! Thank you for reminding us all to trust God and have HOPE!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24