Tuesday, July 11, 2017

{ Transparent Tuesday }

Sometimes God will plant a verse right smack dab in front of me and although it might not be what I want to read, it's exactly what I need to ponder on!

 Image result for james 1:19 nlt


  1. Wow! That's a good one for ALL of us to ponder today and every day!!! Right between the eyes! Wham! Thanks! I needed that! :)

  2. Oops, good reminder for me too! Thanks for the post and have a great day.

  3. It seems to be just the opposite of my natural tendency! I need to hang this verse on my mirror!

  4. Slow to anger...I need to call on this scripture often!

  5. My mercy! Why did you have to go and post that scripture today? I am learning to be slower to speak! That is hard for someone with my personality too. But oh am I learning so much more by listening. Love you Deb. Cindy

  6. Oh y...I ought to have seen this first...boy did I blow a gasket this morning...sigh

  7. Such good advice. Oh my goodness - I need this as a tattoo where I can see it all the time!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24