Thursday, June 22, 2017

{ Thursday Thoughts }

courtesy of Mountain Wings

The sign above reminded me of something I read recently about how we should never allow one little incident that happens to us ruin our entire day (or days), like a comment somebody makes to us that is offensive or hurts our feelings. 

Image result for slow to anger in scripture

Image result for proverbs 19:11

See Y'all tomorrow for Friday Foto Friends!


  1. I've learned that sometimes the wise choice is to be still and know that He is God ....Good Morning Deb from Ashdown Arkansas

  2. wonderful advice! Not always easy to do, but with God's help, and learning to rest in His grace, we can learn to overlook other people's lack of wisdom...and just pray for them.

  3. So very guilty, friend. smiles

    Have a lovely day, even if the weather isn't.

  4. Good quotes, Deb, and so true!

  5. I know that's true but it's very hard to do, at least for me. I'm too sensitive to the things and words around me. Hope all is well with you and hope you're having a great day!

  6. I need to remind myself not to get upset over one little thing....taking care of Jim I get frustrated along the way and I know 'this too shall pass. Thanks for this post.

  7. Lots of wise words there.
    I just met Melanie and had lunch with here and Dianna. : )

  8. Wise words especially the one about not saying....
    I need that!
    Sending hugs


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24