Sunday, January 8, 2017

{ SONday Scripture }

It's a bit chilly here this morning.
Well, actually it's warmed up to 14 degrees!
(I know, Linda, I'm just a wimp.....LOL)

Happy SONday, Y'all!


  1. Stunning new header photo and a good scripture to reflect on.

  2. {{{giggling}}}---fellow blogger Bunkerville just asked me how do I do it? Gurl....I just love the cold, rather be cold than hot, especially in this time of my life (wink, wink). You already know our temps -5*. smiling.

    1. Yikes! That's cold. Our wind chill was 4 yesterday.

  3. OH my goodness!! That is COLD!! You have given us another great scripture to ponder (well, they are all great, but you chose this one for us today).

  4. Brrrrrrr is right. It has been so cold here that we have only gone out for church. Except for that, we are bums the last few days.

  5. BRRRR 14 IS cold. Here in Florida we got down to 29, and I am still shivering, even tho it has warmed up to 50 something. My body doesn't seem to realize it. Love the scripture..."live a quiet life, working with your own hands..." I tend to be anything BUT quiet, but I do work with my hands alot... I just don't always accomplish a lot. God is helping me to learn to REST in Him this year...and perhaps that will help be to actually accomplish more...for HIM!!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24