Friday, January 13, 2017

{ Friday Foto Friends #62 }

Happy Friday the 13th, Y'all!

Can you believe that January is already half gone?
At this rate, I'll be posting Christmas pics again before you know it.


Are you like me and some weeks it seems you've got nothing much to share?  This week it might be picture overload.  I couldn't quit snapping pictures of all the birdies at the feeders in the snow!  And, I love how the "falling snow" makes the pictures look.

 Last  Sunday morning it was 7 degrees here in beautiful Strawberry Plains.
Yesterday, it was 67 and I actually had to turn a ceiling fan on it got so warm in the house.
That's just part of the beauty of living in East Tennessee!

HOPE everybody has a great weekend!


  1. Beautiful photos of birds. I loved looking at all your photos Debbie. Yesterday it reached 55 degrees here in upstate NY. The day before it was -4. The weather is crazy all over the map. :) Have a day of blessings my friend.

  2. Such pretty little birdies :-)

  3. Your pictures are beautiful, Debbie! I love woodpeckers...well, I think they are so pretty, but I don't particularly care to hear them pecking. ;)

  4. Love the pictures. Do you take those with your phone or a camera? Your pictures are always so professional looking.

  5. Very pretty....smiles Have a beautiful day friend...the last couple of days have been in the 40-50's and all the snow melted...not today, it is 18*. wink

  6. Love all the birds at the feeders and I love that butterfly. Gorgeous! I just put out a bird feeder last week and so far it doesn't appear any birds have found it.

  7. Just the opposite here. My camera has been rather dormant this week.
    I'm glad you were snapping so we could enjoy your shots----wonderful.

  8. You captured some great moments at the feeders! Bless you for feeding the birds in the winter!! Glad it warmed up a bit for you!

  9. Love your cardinals and the woodpecker. Your header photo is gorgeous! I grew up in Oak Ridge in E Tenn - is that close to you?

  10. Beautiful cardinal. You make me so happy with red bird pics!

  11. Your photo's are gorgeous!! What type of camera to you use? I can never get such good shots with my camera. Surely it's the camera and certainly not the photographer! lol Hope you Friday is Fantastic, just like you!!

  12. You took some wonderful bird pictures this week. I like ALL of them.

  13. Oh Debbie, those bird pics are fantastic!!! You really captured some excellent shots there...and I love the snowy backdrop!!! What a blessing to be able to feed God's creatures and shelter them in all kinds of weather! Sorry I'm a bit late today. See my post for details.
    Have a blessed day my friend.

  14. I love my birdie friends too and miss them greatly since they've all flown south. Your bird pictures are beautiful! I would love to be able to take photos of birds that well! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Beautiful, beautiful pics. Love those birds and the snow. We don't see a lot of pretty birds.

  16. What beautiful photos of our bird friends! I love the cardinals. I'm glad that you are having mild weather there at Strawberry Plains. I keep watch of the weather forecasts there and for Knoxville. Have a great weekend, my friend.

  17. Sorry I didn't have anything for today's FFF, Debbie. I thought we'd get snow here and I could complain about it, but, I guess Tennessee got our share too. Love your photo's, that's how I like to see snow.

  18. Beautiful pictures. I just love birds.

  19. Darling birds. I would not like life without them and their sweet songs.
    These photos are just amazing.


Kind words are like honeyβ€”
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24