Friday, December 23, 2016

{ Friday Foto Friends #59 }

I want to apologize for not visiting like I should lately.  I'd like to tell you that it has to do with the time of year and that's probably part of the reason.  Anyway, I'm very sorry that I don't stop by and read what you all write like I should.  HOPEfully, in the new year I'll do better.

This is our last FFF before CHRISTmas Day and the next to the last one for the year.  I wish I had some awesome pics to share, but sad to say, I don't so I'll re-post this pic of one of my favorite CHRISTmas decorations and also what I wrote on the little chalkboard that hangs on our pantry door.

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HOPE each of you has a wonderfully blessed CHRISTmas Day.


  1. Hi Debbie, I did just about the same thing for today's FFF. I posted my Christmas Story with photos to match. I love all your decorations. May you and your family have a very Blessed Christmas dear friend.

  2. Quit reason too, my sweet friend. I enjoyed your Friday Fotos...have a lovely day friend. Merry Christmas to you and yours and thank you so much for your friendship.

  3. Merry Christmas! I wasn't sure if there would be FFF this week, so thanks for making sure there was a link-up!!! :)

  4. Yes, "O Come Let Us Adore Him!" Christ the Lord! Have a marvelous Christmas. You are a blessing to all of us. Enjoy your time together. Don't worry about us. We are all in the same boat!

  5. Merry, Merry Christmas dear Deb! Hope you and your family enjoy this blessed time. ((hugs))

  6. Love the ornament and your chalk board quote! It is indeed a most blessed season! Sending love & hugs & wishes for a very Merry CHRISTmas!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24