Sunday, November 13, 2016

{ SONday Morning Song - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus }

I shared this on Instagram and Facebook this week,
but wanted to post it here, also.

I just can't get this song off my mind!
I spent this weekend with our daughter at a retreat and oh, how awesome it was. It took place in a beautiful home surrounded by 120 acres of pure "God's country".  Although I have a horrible cold/allergies and cough from mulching leaves last week and being outdoors in the damp morning and evening air this weekend, my heart is full.

I've tried to turn my eyes upon Jesus this week and allow the crazy things of this world fade into the background. What blessings I've seen Him pour out on Pappy and me even during the "bad stuff" and it was wonderful to just (be)Present (my 2016 words) and soak in all His goodness.

Ain't God good?
Oh, yes He is!

HOPE your SONday is awesomely blessed!


  1. Good Morning, Oh how I love the lyrics to this hymn and how appropriate the words are at this time. Sorry to hear about your allergies/cough and praying you soon feel better. Here in north Georgia, we have many wildfires, one involving 13,000 acres, and the smoke has been terrible for everyone. Take care and blessings to you today.

  2. I love this hymn too, the words are beautiful and the message is something we all need to hear. Yes, our God is so good! Hope you're having a very blessed Lord's Day.

  3. My darling Debbie,
    you're always in my thoughts and in my heart, and when I come and meet you here, well, my heart is overflowing with the deepest JOY ever, blessed be !

    May your new week ahead be peaceful to you and to you dear ones


    Xx Dany

  4. Thanks for this encouragement en reminder. Let's focus on Him!

  5. When we do just that, we can experience such peace! What a blessing!!

  6. One of my most favorite songs ever. Yes...Turn your eyes upon Jesus....and the things of earth will grow strangely the light of His glory and grace. Amen! praying for our nation to do just this.


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24