Friday, September 9, 2016

{ Friday Foto Friends #44 }

Proceed with caution.....
sharing LOTS of pics today!

Pappy was off work on Labor Day and we rearranged our bedroom furniture.  
I thought I'd share a few of the things in that room that make me happy!

I've never grown tired of my crocheted pillows.
(I didn't do them)
The "Hope" pillow cover was found for $1 at a thrift store.....
got the one in the middle at a thrift store, too.

Several years ago Pappy made me a big shelf and it holds lots of things that have a special meaning to me.

A few more happies.

A cross-stitched "prayer" I made for Pappy many years ago.....
when I could still see well enough to  cross-stitch.

A little coat that Papaw and Mamaw got me when I was a baby, so it's about 60 years old. 
 I don't dare wash it for fear it'll fall apart.

Mamaw made me this little dress and my brother made me the wooden cross when he was in high school.

A picture of yours truly wearing that little dress.
Yes, I was a chunky monkey most of my life!!!

Jess got me this angel, too.
The little banner she's holding says, 
"You inspire me."

A gift from my precious friend, Teresa, who passed away from pancreatic cancer.  
I still miss her so much.

And, these things do please me well.....
sewing, snowmen, baskets, a bee (a symbol of my name), birds, quilts, Christmas, sweaters, a little church.  
I bought this with some birthday money one year.

 My Daddy and Mom.

Memories tug at my heart strings.
Memories of sister and brother.
But the fondest of all that I can recall,
are the memories of Father and Mother.

And, what would FFF be without a sky picture.....
or two.....

Linking to Skywatch Friday!

I'm so enjoying getting to know others who share their photos so link up below and invite your friends!

HOPE everybody has a great weekend!


  1. I love it. But most I like your cross-stitched prayer. So nice! I understand now a bit why these nice stuff you makes happy. O ja, and thanks for hosting.

  2. Sweetness! So fun to see the "things" you surround yourself with, Deb. ♥

  3. Love it all! Have an awesome Friday.

  4. I just LOVE these pictures and the precious memories they invoke. Thank you for sharing these with us today. So touching and sweet. Even the clouds are wonderful! Thank you for making our Friday Foto Friends possible. Such a wonderful way to start our weekend on a happy note!

  5. You know Deb, I use tokens of love, friendship, and love as tools for the essences of my home ....My bedroom may not be as pretty as yours (your is awesome) ....but I have a Chenille bedspread I bought my stepson 16 years ago ....I use it ..I have a shadow box of Hunter's baby things and a few pics, and on top of it is a toy fishing rod he had of the past of mom and dad .....and when you leave my bedroom you step into other rooms filled with the same tokens work hanging on my hall wall ...Craig's when he was 4 at pre-k ...of Humpty Dumpty falling off the wall ....and well ....I could go on forever ....but I know that I would love to stroll through your home and experience your life through your decor .... Love you my friend!

  6. OHH I forgot about the Friday Foto, sorry....I loved your post, Deb...smiles

    Have a beautiful day.

  7. Oh Beautiful pic's today! I loved it! I like the piece you bought with your birthday money!!! Did you make it from a kit or was it already made? I just love it!!!

  8. I loved all your special treasures, thanks for sharing with us. Special treasures and precious memories make our heart happy!

  9. What special memories and treasures! I loved peeking through your bedroom, photos and closet. Thanks for sharing dear Debbie.

  10. I love all your pics and you really were a cute baby. Those old things are so precious. And I always always love cloud pics. I also notice hope in there a few times. Great minds. That was my thought today. Hope.

  11. That was such a great walk down memory lane with you! I love the way you have all those precious keepsakes displayed. I have a quilt that was made for me when I was a baby, but no clothing left. I was the oldest of four, so things just got passed down and were worn out. The coat and that pretty little dress are really treasures!

  12. The stitched prayer is beautiful.

  13. What treasures. I have a couple outfits that I wore as a baby and a dress that my mother wore. They are so fragile. I love the cross stitch. Thank you for sharing your memories.

  14. With all those treasures and memories there is no wonder you are Happy! Cute little baby photo of you, Deb!
    Love the fall header Photo!
    I have been away for a short getaway with my hubby, forgive me for not posting this week.

  15. Oh Debbie! What a treasure trove. Beautiful things and memories. Just love it all.

  16. Love your perspective about life. Posting my sky watch here for the first time.

  17. What a wonderful post, Debbie, it truly warms my heart and blesses it with love, thank you !

    Wishing you a most wonderful weekend ever, I heartily thank you for hosting me today,
    sending hugs and more hugs to you

    Xx Daniela

  18. What lovely pictures...and memories!


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sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24