Tuesday, August 2, 2016

{ Tuesday Thoughts }

A fellow blogger whom I've "known" for several years, Ms. Rebecca at Sane, Simple, Sacred,
lost her Mother this morning to the dreadful disease of Alzheimer's.  Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers and maybe visit her and leave a kind comment.

(except for the Life Hacks, these images can be found here)

HOPE everybody has a Terrific Tuesday!


  1. Enjoyed all your thought today! Sorry for the loss of your friend' mother. Sending you ((hugs)) and blessings!

  2. Awe, so sorry to hear about your friends mom Deb. That is so sad. Will pop over there and leave her a message as well. Loved your Tuesday thoughts. The header is breath taking by the way. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. So sorry to hear about your friends mom, Deb...and...another "you're talking" to me post, smiles. Have a beautiful day friend.

  4. Encouraging sayings and love the photo at the end!

    I will head over to Rebecca's site. I am so sorry to hear this news.

  5. I will pay a prayerful visit to your friend. I enjoyed the parade of sayings and agree with them all!

  6. My prayers for Rebecca and her family. Very sad. Such a devastating disease. I'll visit her.

  7. Good thoughts to ponder and declare over our lives, precious as they are here on earth. God bless

  8. I'm friends with her, too. I'm so sorry to read about her mom. Thank you for the alert. Good words to heed today.

  9. My prayers are with Rebecca's family. Such a sad and heartbreaking disease. Have a blessed day ahead.

  10. Such a said disease. I know about it first hand, my mom has it.

  11. Prayers for Ms. Rebbecca's family. Some great thoughts and quotes today. Especially love the elephant with the umbrella.


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24