Sunday, August 28, 2016

{ SONday Morning Song - King of the World }

This song gives me Holy Spirit chills.
Please give it a listen.
Just close your eyes and worship the King of the world!!!

HOPE your SONday is awesomely blessed!


  1. Good Sunday Morning my precious friend! Up most of the night pacing the floors with a spiritual struggle ...Doubt came as a thief of the night trying to steal my faith ...Faith won! I am weak in flesh but my heart is storm this a.m. and your song reminds me HE IS KING ....of "MY WORLD" ....Love you my friend ....Working together to share the gospel of Truth!

  2. Beautiful, Debbie. Have a lovely SONday friend.

  3. Beautiful! We do try to put God in a box at times, don't we? Thanks for sharing. Have an awesome day.

  4. Love the words! Sending you ((hugs across the miles)) and lot's of blessings too !!

  5. SONday blessings to you!!

  6. Blessings back to you. I had not heard that song before. Natalie Grant is an amazing and anointed singer.


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24