Tuesday, March 8, 2016

{ I'm on call }

A precious blogging friend, Ms. Rebecca, who blogs at Sane, Simple, Sacred asked a question about our "vocation" in our current life situation.
Here are my thoughts on that subject.....

I worked outside the home for about thirty-five years. My two most long-lasting "jobs" were both in office situations. Not to brag, but with my personality of wanting to be a people pleaser, I was very good at what I did.  Receiving accolades from upper management and letters written to my supervisor about the help I gave in explaining pay increases and back pay fueled a part of me that I don't think I even understood at the time.  Not until I actually quit working and became a stay-at-home.....
wife, Mom, Nannie, daughter, friend......
did I come to realize the extent of my need for acceptance and encouragement and acknowledgement.  Not that these things are wrong,   but when we base our worth on what others think about us.....
well, that's where the "wrong" comes into play.
(we all know that it's most important as to what God thinks)

You know what I've discovered?
It's really quite simple.

I'm most content and happy when I'm doing for others.

So, I guess my vocation at this stage of my life is being an "on call" wife, Mom, Nannie, daughter and friend. It's when others need my help  for something that I'm my most content.  It doesn't have to be anything glamorous. I spent some time this past Saturday hauling sticks up and down a hill to a burn pile for my Mom. Yes, it was tiring.....
but it was very fulfilling, just doing something for another person. 
(and I'm learning that sometimes I have to say "no")
Often, it's just being available when somebody needs a shoulder to cry on or they're in need of prayer.

The monetary payment is no longer there.
But there are things that I receive now that no amount of money could ever buy.

God's blessings are priceless!


  1. Wonderful post. I share your philosophy as based on the Word. Have an awesome week. ♥.

  2. Isn't it a pleasure to recognize and do what you are "called" to do?!?

  3. {{{big, big smiles}}}--Somehow, sweet friend, I knew this about you...smiles.

    Have a beautiful day, Deb. Blessings

  4. God has blessed you to be an 'on call' lady. So many fall short in that area no matter how hard they try. I think some have the gift of 'nurturing,' which is what you have my friend. God Bless! ((hugs))

  5. This post is not a surprise I just knew you were like that! I does feel good to be helping others. Have a blessed day.

  6. My absolute goal in life is to be 'on call' for others. For this, I have prayed and I think it may soon happen!!

  7. Yes,I agree Deb, it is a very good feeling when you can be of help to someone. It is more bless to give then receive, but it is also a blessing when we receive. My joy comes from doing for others. Love the verse.

  8. There has never been a doubt in my mind Deb that you are one to do for others! I love your servant's heart. You are precious! Hugs and blessings, Cindy


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24