Sunday, January 31, 2016

{ SONday Morning Song - Trust In You }

"You are my strength and comfort
You are my steady hand
You are my firm foundation; 
the Rock on which I stand"

"Your ways are always higher
Your plans are always good
There’s not a place where I’ll go, 
You’ve not already stood"

I know that contemporary Christian music isn't everybody's taste.  I personally love a variety.....
old time gospel, songs out of the "red back hymnal", and contemporary Christian music.  I believe all of these types of music can inspire us and touch a special place within our heart and soul.

HOPE everybody has an awesomely blessed SONday!


  1. I enjoy a variety of Christian music as well. Each has a message and touches people differently. Good song today. I haven't heard that one before but it has such an important message. Have a blessed day today!

  2. I love the old songs, but if the contemporary doesnt sound like rock music, I like it too. Some just goes way out too much for me. Hope you have a nice day.

  3. I enjoy a variety of Christian music as well...good song, Deb. Have a beautiful SONday, my friend.

  4. The Rock of Christ is where I stand, all other ground is sinking sand! Happy SonDay Deb, hope your a great day! ((hugs))

  5. "You are my strength and comfort
    You are my steady hand
    You are my firm foundation;
    the Rock on which I stand"


  6. I heard her sing this song at a concert with Chris Tomlin. She also sang Christmas music with him and it was great! Happy Sunday!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24