Thursday, November 5, 2015

{ Busy, Busy ]

Pappy took a couple of days off work so we could get some much needed things accomplished around the house.  Yesterday, I spent over 4 hours pressure washing.....over FOUR hours, people!
Can you say tired and sore?
I'm not sure a gal my age should be doing that!

Any-who, today is another busy one.
We're having some work done on the house.
Got errands to run.
Pappy has to take my Mom's lawn mower to the shop.
We have receiving of friends to go to this evening.
And, the icing on the cake.....
  we are celebrating our grand-girl's BIG FIVE.

See y'all tomorrow for our Friday Foto Friends.
If you include a picture in your post, 
then feel free to link-up.
The more the merrier!

I'm off!!
(but y'all already knew that, right....LOL)

HOPE your Thursday is terrific!

Breathing in Grace,


  1. Rest up when you can! You sound very busy! Have a blessed day.

  2. That pressure washing is SO tiring and I'm sure I know how your back feels today! We found this little life-saver at Lowe's. If you do much pressure washing, it cuts the time down by at least 2/3s. Check it out here: Joe actually looks forward to using it now.

  3. WHEW....that is tiring and very bush work. I might just link up tomorrow with you...Blessings

  4. Just came on to say I LOVE the Denver Moore quote at the top of your page. A moving, soul-stirring story...just amazing!

  5. Four hours is a long time with a pressure washer! Mine is stored now until the spring. Hope you get some relaxing days soon!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24