Thursday, September 17, 2015

{ Recharging }

Don't you wish you could charge your cell phone and the battery stay 100% FOREVER?!?!
It seems I'm always in search of a charger.  
There's one at my nightstand for charging overnight.....
one in the living room to put my phone on charge while I'm crocheting.....
a charger is on the counter in the kitchen......
and, I cannot do without the one in the truck!

My phone requires recharging often because of so many apps and things that drain the battery.  But, that's exactly the same way with me.  There are a multitude of things in everyday life that take a toll on us.  I know I'm not in this boat alone.  We all have struggles and trials and even the things that make us the happiest require time and effort and sometimes we just get drained.  Often when I get the most frustrated, I realize that I haven't really taken the time to stop and "recharge" my battery by going to the Lord in prayer and opening up His Word to see what He has to say to me.

Even Jesus needed time alone with His Father to recharge and regroup before He continued on! 


Aren't you glad we don't have to go searching everywhere for a way to connect to HIM? 

Breathing in Grace,


  1. It is such a blessing to be able to pray where ever we are and at any time.

  2. Great analogy, Deb! SO true.....

  3. Hi Deb! I couldn't help but think how updated you are on technology! But yes, I know that I can overrun my 'apps' and get very tired, both in body and spirit. I do thank the Lord that He is with me always, no plug or cord required!
    Happy Thursday :)

  4. This took my breath away:

    "...things that drain the battery. But, that's exactly the same way with me."

    YES. I am so glad we don't have to go anywhere to find Him. He is here with us!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24