This is a pic of what I call my "miracle knee".
Oh, I know it's nothing to brag about......
and it's still a bit swollen.....
but if only you could have seen it this time last year.
You see, I'm pretty sure that knee was headed for surgery. I can't even explain the pain I went through for several years and just wouldn't break down and go to an ortho doctor. I did get a cortisone shot in it at one point, but I've decided no more of those for me. It's not the pain of the shot, but the after effects. That had to be the most horrendous headache I ever had. Anyway, the pain from this knee affected so much of my life. I had a very difficult time getting up and down stairs/steps, which kept me from going to the play room at our daughter's house. I would NEVER carry one of the kiddos down steps because I was terrified I would fall. I remember one day going to Wal-Mart and when I got back to the car, I had to physically pick up my leg and lift it into the car. I couldn't get out and walk for exercise for a very long time. I tried, but oh, the pain. I got to the end of our road one day and didn't think I'd make it back home. I prayed MANY times and asked God to heal my knee. I knew that He could.....
but, I'm going to be honest and just say that I didn't think He would. Then, last September, I was invited to join an on-line weight loss challenge. You can click here for more info, if you're interested. I was hesitant to join because I figured it would just be another total waste of my time, all for naught, but I knew that if I could lose some weight, it would help my knee. For some reason this time it's been different. I think that "reason" is because I gave this struggle to God, and I truly give Him all the credit. I've started trying to remember to even say "for Your Glory, Lord" before I weigh. When I went to the doctor in March for my yearly physical, my MD was very pleased, especially with my blood work numbers. And, I'm able to get out and walk again
I've said many times that I wish I could have lost this weight years ago and had back all the $$$$ I spent trying. I don't think it happened for several reasons.....
one, because it wasn't in HIS timing.....
and secondly, I didn't give it to HIM!
I realize there are many who struggle with bad knees and they do require surgery. PLEASE know that I'm in no way trying to say that God heals ALL injuries and health problems. What I'm trying to say is that I knew that God could heal my knee.....
but I had to do something, too, I couldn't just continue overeating and abusing my body and expect Him to heal me right up. (although that's exactly what I did for over 2 years.....yep, I'm a slow learner) Even the strength to do that "something" came from Him.
(a sign that hangs on the wall behind the computer desk)
HOPE everybody has a wonderful Wednesday!
Breathing in Grace,

Oh, how I hear husbands doctor is on him constantly about loosing weight, he has bad knees (thanks to a knee replacement while in the Marines)...he is on so much medicine due to the strokes/sleep apena (I know, tmi) that causes weight gain...anyways, another story for another time. Since I have gone back to school and have to walk hills--I have dropped close to 30 lbs and do feel joints don't ache as much...not to mention all my clothes are so big.
ReplyDeleteAnyways---thanks for sharing...great post. Have a beautiful day my friend, Blessings.
I read somewhere how many pounds pressure is on our knees per pounds we're overweight....I can't remember the number, but it was BIG and I thought no wonder my poor knee hurts. Congratulations on the 30 pound weight loss....that's awesome. And, doesn't it feel good when our clothes start getting too big!!! I hit up the thrift stores when that happens! ;-) HOPE you have a great day, too!
DeleteWhat a great post Deb. I am so grateful that you are so much better my friend. I just got told I have degenerative arthritis in my left knee. Results came back from x-ray. It has just begun but the first thing they warned me about was "watch the weight". I did not know this but found it very interesting that for every 1 pound we gain it is equal to 3-4 lbs. of pressure on the knees! WOW! It was also recommended for me to do stretches and start yoga even if online at home. My mom has severe arthritis in both her knees so I wasn't surprised. Praying that the Lord continues to bless you with a GOOD knee my friend. You pray that I will discipline myself and do some exercise! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteOh, we're so much's my left knee, too. I've fallen on that knee several times over the years and I really think arthritis is what's wrong with it now. Well, with as much overweight as I was from my top weight, that means I was putting over 200 extra pounds on my poor knee. No wonder it hurt....OUCH and WOW!!! I'll certainly pray for you, too, my Friend.
DeleteSo happy for you, Deb. I KNOW knee pain is really hard to live with!
ReplyDeleteOh, I know you realize how we suffer with a sore knee. I HOPE yours is doing so much better after the surgery!
DeleteWow! What a great post!. I'm in the same boat you were in. I have a knee that is arthritic (really both knees are, one worse than the other). I know weight loss is the answer. I'm so glad to read of your testimony here! Very encouraging. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteWeight loss has ALWAYS been so difficult for me. This time, it wasn't easy, either, but so much better than in the past. And, I really do give God all the glory!!! Is your worse knee your left one? I'm just curious, because Ms. Cindy above said it was her left knee, and that's my sore one, too. Wonder if that's how it is with us girls?!?!? So glad you got something out of my sharing.....but I do refuse to share how much I weighed!!! ;-) HOPE you have a great day!
DeleteHello my precious friend.. I was in so much pain with my lower back.. Arthritis.. and I didn't wish to take pain relief, but gave in and did so. I am very blessed to have a medical doctor who also believes in natural therapy. She told me to take a dessertspoon full of Omega 3-6-9 Oil every morning. Well, I have done so and after just 2 mornings... NO PAIN. Now to me that's so much better than meds.. This oil also helps lower blood pressure and helps the heart... so try it.. its cheap and works. IT JUST TASTES YUK... I have a cup of tea all ready to drink as soon as I take the oil not the capsules, and that takes away the nasty taste.
I sent you a personal e-mail, sweet Lady!!! Thanks so much for the info!
DeleteKnee pain is truly painful! Two surgeries here, same knee. Now if they could just cut out the arthritis! LOL
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are better. GOD heals us