There's a lady in our SONday School class and since the weather has turned warm she comes to class each week in a halter dress that shows way too much skin especially on the top half of her body since they're cut down to there. This woman is a grandmother. Now, I'm no prude, but I kinda cringe when I see her walk through the door. I often wonder why her husband doesn't say something because I KNOW mine would, although he doesn't have to because I try my best to be modest in my attire. This is something I was taught growing up and tried to instill in our own daughter, something that was very important to her Daddy. Not that being a grandmother should be an indication of how we should dress because there are teenage girls who wear things that look like they should be at the pool, or on the beach. But, you would think that as we grow older and mature, especially in our faith, that we would be pricked in the heart when we dress outside the realm of what God says in His Word.

'Let the admirable modesty of your Saviour be seen in your countenance, in your movements, and in your apparel.'
St. Paul of the Cross
St. Paul of the Cross
So, what about y'all?
What's your thoughts on how some women dress today?
Surely I'm not in this boat alone?
Breathing in Grace,

Well said, Deb. I believe that modesty is so important, especially when it comes to tops.
ReplyDeleteI so agree, Ms. Melanie. It saddens me to see how some women dress, especially in church.
DeleteAmen! I so agree with you, Debbie. Thank you for putting this out there in front of us.
ReplyDeleteIt just floors me to see how some women dress. And, then they get angry when men look. Not that the men should be looking, either. It's a lose-lose situation in my opinion.
DeleteAgree 100%.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for commenting....and agreeing! I knew I couldn't be the only woman who feels this way.
DeleteOh don't even get me started on this topic. I tend to get in trouble! LOL! I cringe when I see our teenage girls at church waltz into the house of God with the whole part of their back showing and cleavage that hollers "Look, Look, Look". And their moms seems to have no issue. But then....I've seen women my grandmotherly age sit down with their bosom hanging out in a Bible Study class and I couldn't even teach for looking. I've always been modest and I am not a prude either. Or i try my best not to be. One time we had this gal that always sat close to us in church and when she would walk in the door I could the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Marty couldn't pay attention to the Pastor for looking at her. Yes, she was an attractive woman for her age. But clothes she wore...well, let me rephrase that...the CLOTHES she didn't wear was about more than I could take. So one Sunday I leaned over to Marty and whispered these words. The Bible says that if your eye is causing you to sin to pluck it out and I am here to tell you that if you don't quit looking her way I am going to save you the trouble and I am plucking out your eye! However, God took care of it. I began to pray that the Lord would convict her heart about her dress apparel or that He would move her to another spot or move me! Well, she started going to another church not long after that and the next thing I knew she was back to our church within a year and guess what? The Lord got a hold of her heart....sweetest, well dressed lady ever! Well, I could ramble on this subject all day! Good one Debbie. The Lord tells us in His Word clearly how we are to be as women. I want my husband and my daughters to be proud of me...not ashamed! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh when I read this just picturing you giving Marty the evil eye and setting him straight!!! LOL I don't blame you one bit! I understand about the hairs standing up on the back of your neck. I just cringe when this "lady" walks into our SS class with her bosom hanging out. If a man said something, she would probably get angry. I can't see dressing that way, unless it is to attract a man, but who wants a man with just "that" on his mind? Oh, I could go on and on and on about this topic but it's just a lost cause, it seems....except for that precious lady who changed her ways. yes, the good Lord heard your prayers and got ahold of her heart!!! That's just awesome!
DeleteOh oh...I will admit to something...when the weather is hot and humid, I do wear halter tops/ no sleeves and I am 48. I can't stand anything on my skin/armpits. Now, I would never go to church without wearing a light sweater over a dress that has straps. At our church in Alabama, the pastors wife made a comment one day about this. I don't have much "up there" aka 'girls'. There are some girls who are practically naked and their stuff hanging out. I would never ever go out in public being "naked" like that, having everything hanging out. Oh how I want to yell and scream at these young girls and some adults.
ReplyDeleteThanks Deb, I do agree with the modesty issue. Especially in church...however, He does see us all the time, doesn't he? Smiles
You're so right on....He does see us at all times. HOPE you have a great day!!!
DeleteNo, you are most definitely not alone in your thinking. I just had a conversation this morning with a friend. I made the comment that I would love just one day to see pics of people's families on Facebook where the teenage (and I mean barely old enough to be a teenager) isn't wearing a tank top with bra straps showing or a push up bra and bent forward on purpose to show cleavage. I am all about dressing to look nice for special occasions and when you go out in public. But you can do that so easy without showing everything you have. My daddy and mommy would never let me out of the house looking like some do today. Great post Ms. Debbie.
ReplyDeleteOh, my word, that's the very same with me about how Momma and Daddy made me dress. I remember a certain lady when I was on FB who changed her profile picture quite often and it was always a selfie she had taken with her "top" showing. I remember saying then that it looked like her husband would say something. I so agree....we can dress up and look nice and still keep EVERYTHING covered up!!! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, Ms.Brenda!
DeleteI so agree with you on this matter. I've seen young women come to church with tops so low I was afraid they were going to fall out of them! That caVn of top should not be worn anywhere, very disrespectful towards others and obviously no self respect either. My parents were very strict about this and I'm glad they were!
ReplyDeleteSo grateful that my parents were 'strict', too, Ms. Mary. It's just so sad and like you said shows no respect for the sanctity of the church, themselves, and especially the Lord. :(