Psalm 94:12
Joyful are those you discipline, Lord,
those you teach with your instructions.
Recently, I got the words "rebuke" and "reproof" on my mind, because somebody said something to me that was for my own good.....
Joyful are those you discipline, Lord,
those you teach with your instructions.
Recently, I got the words "rebuke" and "reproof" on my mind, because somebody said something to me that was for my own good.....
to refine, to offer correction;
constructive criticism, if you will!
It was to point out a fault that I have.
I was told that I have issues with money.
Did this statement hurt my feelings?
You bet it did.
But, I spent some time reflecting on what was said and realized that it was spoken in love and TRUTH. I sat in our porch swing and did a bit LOT of crying and soul searching......
and repenting to the Lord for my actions.
Since right before this revelation and the few days since, we've had to spend more money than we have in quite some time by having a tree cut, grinding out the stump, an unexpected $100 payment to somebody and me a new phone. I even offered to pay for an injection that the doctor suggested for my Mom that her insurance doesn't cover, and that's so unlike me because I've always felt that she's more well off than we are financially. That's not the point, though! Offering to pay was so out of the ordinary of something that would come out of my mouth. But, you know what.....
it totally wasn't Deb.
It was the Holy Spirit!
I was even able to send a text to the person who pointed out this "issue", as she called it, and tell her "thank you".
I feel like a load has been lifted from my shoulders!
So, there!!!
That's my "true confession" for today!
How about you?
Has anybody ever pointed out a fault to you?
How did you respond?
Did it serve to change you?
Proverbs 17:10
A single rebuke does more for a person of understanding
than a hundred lashes on the back of a fool.
than a hundred lashes on the back of a fool.
HOPE y'all have a Terrific Thursday!!!
Breathing in Grace,

Good morning, Deb,
ReplyDeleteWhat an inspiration this post is, my friend! I've never been very good at accepting criticism, whether it be constructive or otherwise. But, as I am grow in the Lord He is helping me to do better with it. My husband recently pointed something out to me (and he did it in love) and at first I took offense. But as I went about my work and praying with that fresh on my heart and mind I knew it was right. I confessed it to the Lord and have been working to make the changes. Thank you so much for sharing here today. And your header picture is beautiful!
The "normal" me would still be mad and upset and whining because I got my feelings hurt. Taking the comment to heart and being grateful for having the issues pointed out....well, God is certainly doing a work in my heart and mind. It's ALL HIM....nothing about me!
DeleteThe Bible said Reproof a fool and he will be angry
ReplyDeleteBut if you reprof a wise man he repents
I can so be that fool, Mr. John Luke!!! In my "gOLDen" age, I sure do HOPE I'm maturing and getting a bit wiser!!! Thank you so very much for taking the time to comment. HOPE you have an awesomely blessed day!
DeleteA beautiful post, Deb. It is hard to hear something about yourself and I tend to feel "attacked" when that happens. It takes the Holy Spirit to settle me and help me see just where the remark came from. When something like a rebuke comes from someone who loves you and you trust, it seems so much easier to accept (eventually). Thank you for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteOh, Ms. Melanie....the comment hurt and I initially was just kinda devastated and a bit angry. In the past I would have stayed that day for days with an "how dare her" attitude. This time, I was able to sit and "PONDER" (my word for 2015) on what was said and take it to heart....and realize she was so right. I knew it about myself, that I can be a bit envious of those who have so much more than we do, but it took somebody loving me enough to point it out to make me stop and repent and HOPEfully change!
DeleteYou handled this well; I would have cried for awhile too. :(
ReplyDeleteI was handled totally differently that it would have even a year ago. Maybe I'm maturing in my old age?!?!? ;-)
DeleteGreat post today Deb. As my granny would say, "Now let me straighten you out baby". Now she always added the word "baby" so I took it better. LOL! In all honesty...I don't know anyone that lovingly LOVES criticism or correction. For all depends on how you say it to me! And yes, I have been corrected and criticized and straightened out as granny would say. At times it has been in such a loving way and Christ Like way that by the time they were through...dang...I thought it was my idea to straighten myself out! LOL! But there was a time that another Christian called herself correcting me and it wasn't what she said to me that got to was the way she said it. The tone of her voice and her approach to the subject at hand.Something that I have come to appreciate over the years has been the older, wise, Christian woman that has cared enough about me and my walk to lovingly correct me at times. This is such a good subject today. Thanks for sharing. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteOh, I agree in how the criticism is said. When it was said to me, it kinda slipped out, I think. We were talking about something entirely different that did involve me. It was meant to be and I took it well....finally!! I had to argue with God a bit before submitting. I'm such a little child sometimes!!! P.S. I think we all need those "mentors" in our life who will come along beside us and be a guide!
DeleteThank you so much for your openess. Me too. I'm such a little child sometimes!
ReplyDeleteOh, Ms. Jedidja....thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. Yes, I can be quite stubborn at times, when it's so much easier just to give in to God when He disciplines us!
DeleteHi Deb! I can really relate to your journey from being hurt to being thankful. Do I take criticism very well? No I do not. I know that about me. I tend to get very defensive, and think of all the ways 'that can't be right'. I love how you sat with the idea and really thought about it. And prayed I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteI know I'm not perfect, I just don't like anyone else knowing! Which means I need a good dose of humility now and again. Thank you for showing me how I can overcome my feelings, and really learn something valuable. Good job offering to pay for your mom's injection. You can see progress already :)
Well, I didn't take it very well at first....and I don't think the lady even meant to say what she did. She told me "it just came out". But, God knew....and He used her to confront something that I knew about myself already, but didn't want to admit. Thanks so much for your insight, Ms. Ceil. You're such an inspiration and encouragement.
DeleteOh boy....all the time...I am brutely honest and have a hard time telling even a white lie. On top of that, as a matter of fact, while washing dishes, my husband said something and I corrected him. He goes, "Oh that's right, Miss Snotty Nose school teacher has to correct me." Oh boy....yep....I know where your going with this post.
ReplyDeleteSigh. Blessings
Your comment made me laugh!! I HOPE your hubby was just being a bit sarcastic...LOL. I think husbands and wives are probably more honest with each other than with anybody least we should be. I know I'm probably quite hard to live with sometimes. I'm a constant work in progress!!!
DeleteConfession is good for the soul, even went it hurts. Sometimes facing our 'issues' is overwhelming and we need to 'ponder' about them and come to terms with them. AND...try to correct them. WoW, that was a mouthful. You handled this and dealt with this just like the sweet lady you are. Love you dear friend, everything's gonna be all right. ((hugs))
ReplyDeleteAwwww, Ms. Mary, you're precious. Love you so much!
DeleteI love you dear Momma!
ReplyDeleteAnd, you are loved so much more than you'll ever know! I am blessed.