Monday, June 22, 2015

Merry Monday.....

You know how to you make God laugh? 
Tell Him your plans.

HOPE everybody finds somebody to share a laugh with today!!!

Breathing in Grace,


  1. Isn't laughter a cure for so many things?!! Great post! Happy Monday!

    1. Oh, it really is. It's hard to cry when we're laughing!!! ;-) Happy Monday to you, too!!!

  2. Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.......we use the same slogan; want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. Beautiful post, Deb. Have a lovely day. Blessings

    1. Don't you think God just looks down and shakes His head at us sometimes, making all sorts of plans that He knows He's gonna discombobulate?!?!? ;-) Blessings to you, too, Ms. Linda!

  3. Love all the signs Deb and especially that baby laughing! Made me laugh out loud! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. I loved that one, too. It made me REALLY smile!!! HOPE you have a marvelous Monday, my friend!

  4. I love to hear a baby laugh! I can just hear it looking at that picture! Happy Monday!

    1. Oh, I do, too....especially, our GRANDbaby!!! ;-) He's such a little hoot!

  5. I love to laugh, it makes me feel good. There's always something to laugh about, if you can't find anything else, just laugh at yourself. I think we all have had moments when we have done something crazy to laugh at. Years ago I couldn't find my iron, I kept asking the girls, what did y'all do with the iron. They assured me they did not take my iron. Later that day I opened the fridge for a soft drink and there was my iron..yep...I put it there. When I saw it I remembered it clearly...geez, I must have been stressed that day. lol


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24