I recently posted this picture on Instagram......
with the following caption.....
So often, I see cardinals and I truly know that just at that right moment.....
and because I'm probably the only person who even sees the bird.....
that it's God saying,
"I love you, Deb".
When I see that flash of red show up,
it ALWAYS makes me smile and I say.....
most of the time out loud.....
"I love you, too, Lord!"
A few weeks ago, I was a bit stressed because of a family matter and as I drove my Mom to the doctor there were 2 cardinals along the side of the road in front of me. One of them walked....not flew..... into the road right in front of the car. I felt in my Spirit that God was saying.....
"Look, Deb!
Slow down!
I'm right here and it's all going to be okay!"
(well, that's what I took from the "sign"!!!)
I want to ask this question to you all, too.
Is there something specific that when you see it,
you know without a doubt that God placed it there just for you!
Isaiah 7:11
Ask the Lord your God for a sign,
whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.
Breathing in Grace,

Sweet sign and nice blog!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, sweet Lady. HOPE all is well in The Netherlands!!!
DeleteI love the new header!!! Deb, for me, it is not just one thing...it is many. Such as waking up each day, thanking the good Lord for another day, and then there are the little things, random things that happen. Thank you for your lovely posts, they sure can bring a smile. Have a lovely Thursday, friend. Blessings
ReplyDeleteIt's several things for me, too....but when those red birds show up, and I'm the ONLY one around....well, I just know God sent them right then and there JUST FOR ME!!! ;-) I can be selfish like that!!! ha! ha! HOPE you have a wonderful day, sweet Lady!
Deletei have a painting my Grandma did many years ago. I just recently noticed there is a tiny red cardinal in one of the trees! :) It was encouraging and I feel telt the same way as you, like it was a little burst of, "You are not forgotten."
ReplyDeleteOh, I love that term, Ms. Sandi...."YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN!!!" That's awesome!!! Happy Thursday to you!
DeleteThere really isn't just one thing, but many times something happens and I just know it is God telling me something. We really just have to be quiet and listen (watch) for the signs that he puts all around us. Praise God!!
ReplyDeleteOh, Ms. Terri, I understand so about what you mean. Isn't it just so awesome and humbling, too, that God speaks to His children....if we'll just listen....and watch!!! I think that's what He's speaking to me about right now....slow down....listen!!! Thanks for reminding me of that!!! HOPE Mr. Joe is feeling tons better and you both have a TERRIFIC Thursday!!!
DeleteWhat a sweet post Deb to read this morning. God speaks to me so many different ways. It is crazy at times too. I've shared this with some ladies at church and I could tell by the looks on their faces that their thoughts was nothing like mine. But one of the ways that God speaks to me so clearly is when I sit in a tree stand hunting. I know...sounds crazy. But as you know I love to hunt with Marty and I sit in my own tree stand. There I am...alone..with beautiful nature surrounding me and I look around and say, "My God created all of this just for me to enjoy! I see His beauty...I hear His voice so clearly and well...I could write a book about this! There has been many times I've been sitting at our local park on my lunch time doing Bible Study and God has used the nature or even the squirrels to speak to my heart. Most people think you are crazy when you tell them this. I think that when we are TUNED into HIM...we hear Him in all different kinds of ways. I am going to share one more thing...when I was taking care of both grandparents...working a full time stressful job and still raising three little girls I had gotten to a point that I thought I was going to loose my mind. And I am sure you can imagine. I drove to the local city park in our county, got out of my car and walked over to the pond and that sat down at a picnic table. I cried, spit and sputtered and well, you get the picture. All of a sudden those ducks began to run to my feet. I wasn't afraid of them as I knew in the back of mind they were hoping I had food for them. But as they all began to walk to my feet I heard the Lord in my spirit say, "Cindy....this is what I want for you. I want you to get at my feet...lay it all at my feet....lay at my feet...Well Deb....I walked away from those little ducks that day with a song in my heart. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that God had spoken to me and was giving me a time of refreshment in Him. Thanks for this post today and for allowing me to share my heart! Love you friend. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteThe more I read of what you wrote, the more my heart just sang!!! OH, how AWESOME to be able to share what HE does for us with each other. I completely understand, too, about people not understanding....one lady even said I thought I was superior. Oh, my word, how far from the truth is that. I just want to be as close to HIM as Ruby Kate is to me when she sits beside me and you couldn't get a hair between us!!! LOL !!!! Thank you, my most precious FRIEND for sharing this with me....with us all!!! You go girl...don't you quit sharing what He's done for you....it doesn't matter what looks, or rejection you might face....you just keep on keeping on!!! Love you bunches!!!
DeleteThanks Deb. As I so often say...."All I know is what I know"! LOL!
DeleteYou have a God given gift of your ability to minister to women. Wish I could sit under your teaching.
DeleteWhat a special post, Debbie. One of the ways He sends I love you's to me is through flowers. As much as I love them I often have trouble getting them to flourish. I have a plant that was given me in 2011, I planted it in the flower garden and a couple of years it came up, but never did bloom. I was so excited a few weeks ago to find that not only had it come up again, but it was blooming! When I looked at that flower there were tears of joy and also of being humbled in His Presence as He spoke "I love you" to my heart. Thank you for the opportunity to share here, my friend.
ReplyDeleteWhat a precious way for Him to speak to you through flowers.....something that means so much to you. Oh these stories have touched my heart so much! Thanks for sharing!
DeleteLove your post today. Your relationship with the Lord has always touched my heart. I can't think of a specific 'thing' that He puts in my path but He sure speaks to my heart. Sometimes it's overwhelming to feel His presence around me. He comes quick, sometimes He stays for a while and sometimes He doesn't, but He's always with me long enough for me to know it was a special encounter. God is so good. I love your new header too! ((hugs)) my friend.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it awesome how our relationship with God changes over the years? At this age, I find I'm more comfortable with Him. Thanks for being such an awesome encouragor, my precious Friend!
ReplyDeleteI will try to be brief...my husband and I shared a home with my mom, who was blind, after my dad passed. Mother and I had a lovely flower garden filled with plants that she could "feel of" and smell to enjoy. Butterflies and hummingbirds were frequent visitors. With the help of Hospice, I was able to keep mother at home until her last breath. Each day, I would talk to her and tell her the view outside her window...flower, butterflies etc. When she took her last breath, I stepped out in the garden to give the nurse a moment, and a butterfly landed on my hand! God was telling me, she's Home now - no more pain, no more sorrow, no more tears, no more blindness. Mom has been gone 7 years and each time I see a butterfly, I think of her and the Lord's goodness to us.
ReplyDeleteOh, my, Ms. Mildred. What an awesome testimony of how God REALLY and TRULY speaks to HIS children.....reassuring us of HIS awesome LOVE for us. I loved this story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us! I see why a butterfly has such a special meaning to you. HOPE you have a great week.