Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday's Word - Obedience.....

Breathing in Grace,


  1. I love 1st Peter 1:14-15. My desire is to be obedient to Christ but I fail Him so many times. Loved the word choice today! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. One of the prayers our SONday school teacher has each week is for a desire for holiness of our church members. Isn't than an awesome desire? I fail Him so often, too....every single day. :(

  2. Deb, I loved the scripture from 1 Peter. Obedience is always in my heart even though I know I have been disobedient many times. Even after all these years I'm still a work in progress. So thankful He never lets me go...

    1. Ms. Mary, I was thinking along the same lines this evening when reading in Psalms.....that God knows my heart and that I truly try....but still often come up short! ;-) Very thankful He never lets go, too!

  3. Enjoying your statements on obedience.......quite a few bloggers have spoken on when God gets in the middle of things to get a His message out! 😊

    1. "God gets in the middle of things to get His message out" that statement, Ms. Renee. Remember that saying that I use sometimes...."if you hear it twice"? I've heard a "message" on self-control a few times this week, too! ;-)


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24