Saturday, February 21, 2015

Just Chicken In.....

FREE Christian Ecards

HOPE y'all are having an awesome Saturday!

Whatever the weather might be in your neck of the woods,
please stay warm and dry and safe!

Breathing in Grace,


  1. We have the a/c on today, high of 76, forecasted high on Monday is 40, then we'll be turning on the heat. Nothing like SE Texas weather. Hope your Saturday is awesome too!

    1. Oh, how I look forward to a high of 76 degrees, Ms. Mary! It's a heat wave here today compared to the 0's and 3's and 6's we've had this's about 34 right now!!! ;-)

  2. The same to you, my friend. The snow is falling so quickly here that it reminds me of a rainy day...only it is snow! We are to get up to 8 more inches today and tomorrow.

    Love your little chick at the top...makes me think of spring! :)

    1. We had snow and sleet earlier. It's supposed to rain this afternoon and evening and tomorrow. Now, there's a flood advisory issued. Do you think God might be trying to get our attention?

  3. Cute! We are staying warm here but longing for AZ and the nice weather we left behind. Thankful for our fireplace and warm home.

    1. Oh, how I'm longing for spring/summer, Ms. Renee. Then, I'll be complaining about the heat! :-) HOPEfully, not. I'm very much over this cold, dreary weather.

  4. Warming up here a bit today. Very thankful. Hope your weekend is wonderful.

    1. It's a heat wave here, Ms. Melanie....up to about 34 degrees now! LOL We're now waiting on the rain.


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24