Edited to add:
I just received my daily scripture text and this was it.....
I Corinthians 6:20
You were bought at a price.
Therefore honor God with your bodies.
I ♥ confirmations from the Lord!!!
Hebrews 12:1
I just received my daily scripture text and this was it.....
I Corinthians 6:20
You were bought at a price.
Therefore honor God with your bodies.
I ♥ confirmations from the Lord!!!
Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.
"Weight" in this verse doesn't really mean what we see when we step on our bathroom scale. But, if that physical weight slows us down, not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually, then, I believe it can apply to that number that most of us dread seeing.
I've been on a perpetual diet most of my adult life.
Mom told me that even when I was a little girl, she would put me on a diet and when she would take me to Mamaw's, she would sneak me off to the kitchen and feed me mashed potatoes and that would anger my Mom.
As a teenager, my weight became a real issue.
But, at that time, it wasn't a matter of being overweight.
It was just the opposite.
I became anorexic.
I didn't binge and purge, or use laxatives.
I just quit eating.....
to the point that I became painfully thin and even quit having periods.
I felt that what I ate was the ONLY thing I had any control over. And, in order to please that one person who didn't want me to be overweight, somebody who is so very important as a role model in the life of a young girl......
I decided that I wouldn't be fat....
so I quit eating.
My weight fluctuated many times as I grew older.
It seemed that I would lose, but then would gain all I had lost back, plus extra.
I was recently going thru some older pictures and it saddened me to see how I allowed myself to get so overweight. So very often I felt that my weight was such a hindrance to me as a witness for the Lord. If I couldn't even control what I ate, why would anybody want to listen to what I had to say. I was made fun of. People seem to think that those with a weight problem don't know it, so it's up to them to sometimes very bluntly point it out. My paternal grandmother did this, telling me that I was "fleshy". LOL....I can laugh at that remark now. A couple of gentlemen at the church we attended at the time (and I use the term "gentlemen" very loosely) really hurt me by remarking very rudely about how big I was getting. Even a very young girl said something that I knew came from her grandmother.
(let's not talk about others in front of our children and grand kids unless it's to build others up)
Now, let's fast forward to last September.
I was invited by a friend of a friend to be a part of an on-line weight loss challenge that lasted for 6 weeks. I debated whether to join, thinking it would be yet another failure. Pappy and I discussed it and decided that I should do it.
The goal was to lose 6% of my body weight....
and guess what?
I succeeded.
I reached my goal!
No....I surpassed my goal.
I was somewhat shocked.
Since I began this journey in September,
I've lost a little over 31 pounds.
Out of curiosity, I contacted WW and asked what my highest weight was they had on record and from that weight to today I'm down 50.2 pounds.
(I actually think it's more than that)
I'm not sharing this out of pride.
Not at all.
I'm just bragging on the Lord because without Him this couldn't have been accomplished.
Pappy has been my greatest supporter.....
and my Mom.
Yes....my Mom!
You see, I'm a firm believer that God uses even the bad things that happen in our lives for His good.....
and that's what happened when my Mom suffered a heart attack in 2011.
Our relationship has changed entirely since then.
(She has even apologized to me for some things that happened in the past)
Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to his purpose.
John 3:30
He must increase, but I must decrease
And, if you know me well, then you had to see this coming.....
Ain't God good?
Oh, yes HE is!
Breathing in Grace,

First off, i had to look twice to make sure I was on the right blog, you changed your header! Secondly, BRAVO YOU!! You look amazing and 10 years younger. I know how hard it is to lose and keep it off. I've also been a dieter my whole life and just recently got victory over my food addiction. You are a real encouragement. Again, BRAVO YOU!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd, BRAVO YOU, too. I read your weight loss accomplishment this morning. To God be all the glory!
DeleteDebbie, you are beautiful inside and out. You bless me beyond measure with your Love for Jesus and how you truly desire to please Him in all areas of your life. Thank you my friend for being willing to put yourself out there for others. I've always said that you are beautiful and I mean that, I am so proud of you. What an accomplishment that I know was hard. We always told our girls that nothing worthwhile is easy! I keep going back to the scripture that tells us that whatever we do to do it for the glory of Christ. WOW! That makes me think about what I am doing. Thank you for sharing. I love you! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteYou have to know by now how precious you are to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your friendship and kindness. Still praying for you and your Bible study. Get thee behind us, Satan!
DeleteWhat a blessing it was to read here today, Debbie! You look amazing! Thank you so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ms. Dianna....I do feel lots better and due to cutting out so many sweets a lot of my joint pain is gone. The best thing is my knee....I can actually get out and walk for exercise now (weather permitting). It still acts up, but getting 30 lbs off it has helped tremendously! To God be the all the glory given! Without Him I couldn't have done it....He's just plain AWESOME!
DeleteYou were beautiful then and now!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are so precious. If anybody knows the struggle I've had, it's you since we've shared so much of our trials and errors and accomplishments when it comes to trying to lose weight! It's so good to hear from you! HOPE you are well!
DeleteYou are a beautiful and amazing woman with a heart for The Beautiful and Amazing God!! Thank you for sharing your story with all of us. ((hugs))
Thank you so much, Ms. Beckey. I know that you're gonna do well on your journey to healthy, too! At least you didn't wait until you were old!!! ;-)
DeleteYou have always been beautiful to me. As a "Forever Friend" you are such a blessing and encouragement to me. Love you bunches!!!
ReplyDeleteWe have been friends "forever"! We go way back, don't we? I often think of things we did in high school and all those weekends I spent at your house....to get away from home! Love you bunches, too!
DeleteDeb, I don't know how I missed this post yesterday. How beautiful you are, both then and now. I so happy for you that you accomplished your goal. You'll always be beautiful because you have a beautiful heart. You are blessed with a way to share your walk with God, which blesses others. I think you are a very special lady, may God bless you always.
ReplyDeleteOh, Ms. Mary, that's perfectly okay. Writing this post took a bit of wind out of my sails, as I told somebody else. I try to be transparent and open. Maybe what I wrote touched a chord in someone and they needed to hear it. I HOPE so. But, thank you for your precious, kind words. You are such an inspiration to me and have been for many years. We'll meet one day....if not here, then I know we'll know each other in heaven and can sit down and have a great time worshiping together....won't that be AWESOME?!?!?
DeleteHow wonderful that you have done so well, even surpassing your goal. You are always lovely and beautiful!