During this season of giving and being kind-hearted and thinking of others.....
(I know this is something that we should do every day),
(I know this is something that we should do every day),
I want to share with you a local ministry that is near and dear to our hearts.
Two years ago when Pappy started his current job,
he met a fellow driver named Mr. Perry Williams.
Once they got to know each other better,
it was realized just what an amazing singing voice Mr. Perry has.....
(click here to listen to some of the songs he's written,
and some of his favorites)
and also that he is head of a ministry named.....
Here was a statement that Mr. Perry made to me via text recently.....
"we visit people who have absolutely nothing,
so when you have nothing,
anything is something."
If you find it in your heart to give to this special cause,
I know the money would be put to good use and for a worthy cause!
Merry CHRISTmas, Everybody!
Breathing in Grace,

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Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24