Ecclesiastes 9:10
Whatever your hand finds to do,
do it with all your might.
(cell phone pics, so not very good quality)
Since HOPE is my favorite word,
I couldn't pass up these stove eye covers
(2 in a pack at Dollar Tree).
I simply used a dab of hot glue here and there and attached the smaller one to a grapevine wreath I already had on hand.
A hat a lady from church asked I make for her Mom.....
with me as the "model"!!!
A sweet friend of Jess' who adopted a little boy.....
who by the way is named Silas David.....
asked for a dinosaur hat for her Silas!

A friend of mine who loves all things Mickey Mouse hinted for and got this for CHRISTmas.....

As you can tell, I've been kinda busy!!!
So what about you?
What have your hands been finding to do this CHRISTmas season?
Hope everybody has a Special Saturday!
Breathing in Grace,

Your hands are SO talented! Those hats are adorable!