Today, our daughter and son-in-law celebrate their 13th wedding anniversary.
It was such a beautiful ceremony.
Jess asked me to be her matron of honor,
because in her words I was her best friend!
(still makes me tear up to ponder on that memory)
The minister who performed the ceremony was also a family friend.....
with an awesome singing voice.....
and he sang this song at their wedding!!!
Sweet memories!
Happy, happy anniversary to our kids!!
It was such a beautiful ceremony.
Jess asked me to be her matron of honor,
because in her words I was her best friend!
(still makes me tear up to ponder on that memory)
The minister who performed the ceremony was also a family friend.....
with an awesome singing voice.....
and he sang this song at their wedding!!!
Sweet memories!
Happy, happy anniversary to our kids!!
Breathing in Grace,

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Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24