This is totally way off the charts of what I would normally post.....
but I feel it's worth sharing.
And, it might be something that you ladies are already aware of,
but I wasn't.
I've been getting mammograms for close to 20 years,
and like most women,
there's ALWAYS somewhat of a concern that the results will come back showing something not quite normal.
(I've had several of those myself, requiring further ultrasound testing
Because of my crazy insurance.....
( I know, I'm blessed to have insurance, period )
I had to go where they said I could go,
although because of it being considered a well woman visit,
it was "free".
I didn't get my letter in the mail in the amount of time they said I would,
so I called.....
which, turned out to be a blessing that the letter hadn't arrived because I was given more info from the phone call than in the form letter I received a couple of days later.
The lady told me that the exam was "normal".....
but she went on to tell me about my risk assessment,
saying it was something like 9%.
Had I known all these years that my risk of developing breast cancer was that low, it would have certainly eased my mind!!!
So, Ladies.....
(and gentlemen, if you're reading, inform your wife/sister, Mom, friend).....
ASK what your risk assessment is!!!
Knowledge can bring peace of mind!
Breathing in Grace,

Get facts about breast cancer at the following links:
I had no idea, Ms. Debbie. Thanks so much for sharing that information. I go on Friday for my mammogram.
ReplyDeleteI have been going to The Rose in Houston for years, they have never mentioned 'risk assessment.' I will certainly be asking about this next time I go in. Thanks for sharing this info Deb. Hope your week is going well. Blessings and ((hugs))