Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A black denim skirt.....

A couple of weeks ago, 
I went thru my closet and found three black denim jackets, 
each with embroidery on them.  
Now, I realize they're probably not "in style".....
but that doesn't matter to me because they're "my style"!!!
I thought how nice it would be if I had a black denim skirt to go with these jackets.
I looked online at Cato.....
which would be my favorite place to shop if money were no object.
But, since money is an object,
I decided to go to my favorite thrift store.
My Mom went with me because she loves thrift store shopping, too.
Much to my disappointment, 
I didn't find what I was looking for.
There's another thrift store in the same little town,
but I really didn't feel like going to it, 
and told Mom that I never found anything there anyway.
We went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things,
and on our way home, we passed the other thrift store.
At just the last minute,
I told Mom we would go ahead and stop,
but I didn't expect to find what I was looking for.
Now, for you Goodwill shoppers,
you know that they hang all their clothing on the racks according to color!
Am I the only person who just  's that idea?
So, of course, I headed straight to the black skirts.
I almost did a happy dance right there in the middle of the Jefferson City Goodwill store.....
because you know what I found?
A black denim skirt.
And, that's not all.....
the brand name.....
And, it was only THREE DOLLARS!!!

Ain't God good?
Oh, yes He is!!!

Breathing in Grace,


  1. I love it that God is good even when I DON'T find a black denim skirt (or parking place, or whatever)! :)
    I would sure like to see pictures of your jackets - and skirt! They sound SO interesting. ♥

  2. What a wonderful thing to happen! I love the way God orchestrated that for you. Have a great day dear friend.

  3. I love when that "happens"...but of course it doesn't just "happen"...those are gifts from God! :) He sure knows how to give us the desires of our hearts! Have a blessed day!



Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24