It's absolutely awesome the mercy and grace that God extends to us. I've been struggling with something for a very long time. Some days, I think I've got it conquered, then hits me full force. Not sure what happened yesterday.....I wasn't even praying about the situation.....but all of a sudden....bending down in the foyer to adjust the heat on the little infrared heater....I felt it leave me. It was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. You see, I'm a bit of a worry-wort....and a deep thinker....way too deep of a thinker! And, although, yes I'd prayed a lot about this situation....and gave it to God (or did I?).....somehow I thought He probably needed my help to come up with a solution!!!
There really wasn't a solution.....
other than to "let go and let God"!!!
A short time later, Jess called about something that had happened previously in the day and she commented that I was handling it well!!!
I'll let y'all in on a little secret.....
it totally wasn't me.....
remember, I'm Ms. Worry Wort.....
remember, I'm Ms. Worry Wort.....
it was the Holy Spirit letting me know.....
God's got this!!!
Thank you, Lord, for your patience with me!!!

Breathing in God,
Amen! I am just like you..worry wart and over thinker. There are times when I will just over think and worry way to much. Thank you for this post. Smiles & Blessings to you.
ReplyDeleteI too have struggled and do struggle with worry, knowing I have a God who handles our burdens perfectly. So many times giving my worries to God only to take them back, such a waste of my faith. Looking back over my life I see that God has NEVER forsaken me. When I was carrying my burdens, He was carrying me! So happy He blessed you and took your burden/worry from you. Have a blessed weekend sweet friend. ((hugs))
ReplyDeleteDon't you dare "snatch it back"!
ReplyDeleteDeb this is a wonderful post. I am going to grab that sign and share it!
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to let go, but God is always there.