Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wednesday's Word - Believe.....

You know how we can look at something day in and day out and not really "see" it until we have one of those light bulb moments?  A little towel has hung in my kitchen for most of the month of December and as I glanced at it one day, I really saw it.  It simply has the word "Believe" embroidered on it.  As I pondered on that simple little word, I felt God speaking to me that He wanted me to focus on it even more. word for 2014 was chosen!!!

Luke 8:50
“Don’t be afraid; 
just believe"

Edited to add:
I wrote this post last Saturday and since then, I've received several confirmations already that this is the word God wants me to focus on in 2014!! I had completely forgotten about the scripture on the shower curtain in our hall bath.  I was in there yesterday, and glanced at the curtain and there was the word "Believe"....and underneath was Jeremiah 29:11!!!

Ain't God good?
Oh, yes He is!!!

Breathing in Jesus,



  1. Happy New Year! May God bless you beyond measure in the year ahead. I love your word. It has been my mantra since October. When I let go and quit trying to solve things myself and just BELIEVE that God will work it out, it has been amazing what I have seen happen. Best wishes to you and yours for the New Year.

  2. Lovely!, God led me to "Fearless" as my one word for 2014. And used that same verse to confirm that word in my heart. I will be focusing on Joshua 1:9 as my promise verse for the new year.

  3. Happy New Year dear Deb! I took a blogging break in December and sure missed visiting your wonderful blog. As always your header is gorgeous. 'Believe,' ~ a wonderful word, the first thing I thought of was John 3:16. Wishing you and your wonderful family a very Happy and Blessed New Year!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24