Monday, September 16, 2013

Valley of Blessing

When we think of a time during our lives when we are in a "valley", we usually don't think of it as a time of least not until we get thru the rough patches and can look back and see how God might have been working on us....refining us....teaching us a lesson.  
Only then, can we see those times as a blessing.

I was recently led to 2 Chronicles, Chapter 20 and it was AWESOME how God spoke to me thru His Word.  You might recall that this was when Jehoshaphat was King of Judah and some of the surrounding cities had declared war on him.  
Have you ever felt that way?
Like maybe the entire world had declared war on you....
like you are/were in the middle of a raging battle.

King Jehoshaphat turned to the Lord.....
and here are a few things that just jumped off the pages of my Bible speaking to my own heart.....

Verse 2
A vast army was marching against Jehoshaphat
That vast army to me is simply "life" and all the challenges I face every day.....
you know, those "t" things.....
trials, troubles, tribulations, temptations!!!

Verse 4
"seek the Lord's help"
In other words, pray, pray, pray!!!

Verse 9
 We can cry out to You to save us, and You will hear us, and rescue us.

Verse 12
 We do not know what to do, but we are looking to You for help

Verse 15
 Do not be afraid!
Don't be discouraged by the mighty army
(the mighty army, i.e., whatever the problem of the day might be)
for the battle is not yours, but God's.

Verse 17
 stand still and watch the Lord's victory.
Sometimes God wants me to just back off and let Him do the work because when I try to "fix it" - well, I just cause a bigger mess!!!

Verse 20
Believe in the Lord, your God, and you will be able to stand firm.

Verse 21
Singers were appointed to walk ahead of the army singing to the Lord and praising Him for His Holy splendor.
 I need to praise and worship God ahead of time for answering the prayer I'm gonna be praying.  This is where the "praying, believing" comes in....that He's going to answer in a mighty way.....
so much better than I could ask or think!!!

"Give thanks to the Lord!
His faithful love endures forever"!!!

In HIS Most Precious Lve....and with mine, too!!!



  1. You need an I like this very much button.

  2. I really needed to hear these words this morning. I am going to read them right now and meditate as I head to the doctor this morning.

  3. Debbie, awesome post. It really spoke to me. Once again I have been blessed by visit to your blog. ((hugs))


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24