Thursday, July 26, 2012


My Mamaw passed away in May of 2011, the day before Mother's Day.  Not all of her things have been divided yet, but Mom did give me these two treasures.  The first one was going to be thrown away until I asked if I could have it.  It was my Papaw's tool box and is very old.  It still had a couple of his tools in it, too.  I love the old chippy green color.  The second pic is more accurate in color.

 Mom gave me this little bowl.  It's a Fire King tulip bowl.  I looked it up on E-bay and it's known as a grease bowl.  I don't think I'll be using it for that, though!!!
I'll try to post more once the GRANDkids get to go thru and choose some treasures.
I do have my eye on a couple of pretty Pyrex is pink and the other green!!!  They interest me because Mom told me that my Daddy gave them to Mamaw....which makes them even more special!!!  

It's so sad knowing my Mamaw is no longer with us 'cause she was an amazing woman.
But, I'm so grateful to bring a few of her things into our home!!!



  1. I hope you get those Pyrex bowls. Makes me think of all the wonderful food she must have prepared in them.

  2. Both items are such great treasures - the tool box has so much character, I just love it! Sorry about your Mammaw, you were blessed to know her. One of my grandmothers died when my Mom was only 3 years old and I never was close to my other grandmother.

  3. Stop by Everyday Ruralty. You won the butterfly bowl in my giveaway:)


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24