Our youngest GRANDson was diagnosed with a gluten intolerance.
When you ask him about it he says he's not supposed to have foods with "glutton"....which just happens to be one of my least favorite words....and yet another reminder of what the Lord has been speaking to me about lately.
Sometimes, when the Lord is trying to work on me about something, He interrupts my sleep and that's what He did about a week ago....when each time I woke up I had on my mind just how much I overeat and turn to food when I know I shouldn't. In my case, it happens most when I'm tired....at night!!!
Yes, I know that I should be taking care of my "temple"....but I don't. I often wonder if God convicts the hearts of others about things like this as much as He does me. Well, it doesn't matter....'cause I'm the one He's talking to about this topic.
After that sleepless night, I felt God calling me to do a bit of research on gluttony....and it was one of those times when I ask,
"Do I have to, Lord?"
"Are you sure?"
Will I ever learn to quit questioning Him about stuff like this?!?!?
Probably not!!!
So...here's a bit of what I found out.
A glutton is a person who is debased and excessive in his (or, in my case her) eating habits. Gluttony is more than overeating (ouch)....it describes a life given to excess...(again...OUCH!!!!)
In the Bible, gluttony is right up there with being a drunkard!
(how many ouchies can one girl handle while researching a topic?!?)
Proverbs 23:20
Do not carouse with drunkards or feast with gluttons.
Deuteronomy 21:20
.....this son (daughter) of ours is stubborn and rebellious and refuses to obey.
He is a glutton and a drunkard.
He is a glutton and a drunkard.
Well, I'm not a drunkard, so at least I've got that much going for me, right?!?!?
Now, Deb, that's what is called justification....
....you know....
...."just as if I hadn't sinned".
I'm in pain from all the ouchies....:'(
....you know....
...."just as if I hadn't sinned".
I'm in pain from all the ouchies....:'(
Then, I go and see this picture on Pinterest....
And, God goes and convicts me once again of eating out of a jar of this stuff....
....which I truly tried to quit buying, but our GRANDsons love it
(bad, bad Nannie for blaming the boys)

And, then there's that thing about God telling me to walk....
....which I've been doing....
....but my left knee is absolutely throbbing afterwards!!!
And, then I go and question God that if He wants me to walk, why won't He heal my knee?!?!?
Am I a lost cause?!?!?
Anybody else out there feel my pain....and I don't mean knee pain?!?!?
In HIS Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!

Just walk in the light you have TODAY, dear Deb. Sometimes a "lifestyle" change looks overwhelming, I think. He gives us DAILY bread. Not ANNUAL bread.
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes. I can identify with your challenge. Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. We CAN DO ALL THINGS through Him. He strengthens us.
And I still eat spoonfuls of peanut butter! Just not as many as I used to.
You could have posted all day sister girl and not posted this! OUCH indeed is the word! Oh Debbie I feel your pain! I have never been one to over eat but seriously, here lately I have got to where I purely LOVE food...which is okay...but to the extent that I think about it in the middle of the night! I would like to blame it on my middle-age crisis....but think it is more than that! I have been putting off working out here at home cause I keep using my asthma as a reason. Truth is I just don't want too! Now, I've said it! Pray for me and I will pray for you! Girl, we gotta be healthy! We got lots to live for! Love you!!!! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteI came to read your post because I've recently learned I'm gluten intollerant. You asked if anyone out there can feel your pain. I would say everyone who's honest with themselves will say, "Yes!" I have hip problems, but since walking doesn't make my condition any worse, I do it even though it often hurts. I too love to eat when really I'm just tired. I need to just go to bed! Hang in there and keep trying - you are by no means alone!
ReplyDeleteYes, thank you for sharing your timely story at "Tell Me a Story." Loved your grandson’s explanation of gluten. I can identify with this post and although I am not allergic to gluten, most of us are guilty of over eating at times - - especially at the buffet restaurant. Awhile back, I took one day and did the lemon detox diet. In a cup - - Juice of half a lemon, Tablespoon of honey, (1/8 tsp) dash of cayenne pepper add water and drink. Don’t be tempted to omit the cayenne pepper. It helps speed things up. Eat nothing else except to drink more water in between. Drink a cup of this lemon mix many times during the day. The honey satisfies your hunger and if you can do this more than one day you will loose pounds. I skipped a day and ate lightly on the in between day. I lost 5 pounds. Am holding at 4 pounds and it has been three weeks. I Need to do this again. Loosing weight helps my knees too.
ReplyDeleteHi Deb,
ReplyDeleteYes I am on your wavelength and not just because I have a daughter and grand daughter who are gluten intolerant. Also because I do like food, usually all the wrong kinds and can be a comfort eater, not as bad as I once was, so there I go with the justification. Yes lots of ouches for me too lately.
God Bless - Nita
Ouch, ouch, ouch!! I am so convicted. We're not lost causes Deb, we can overcome, we can do all things thru Christ who gives us strength. {{hugs}}
ReplyDeleteI so relate to your post! Last August I was at my lowest weight and since then I have fought a 4-12 lb gain. I am like the nursery rhyme. When I am good, I am very, very good and when I am bad, I am horrid! I know ALL of the Bible verses too but sometimes they go right out the door! Sounds like a mutual praying would be helpful :)