Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Getting Personal!!!

Our SONday School teacher asks some questions each week that really make us stop and think about our lives and our walk with the Lord.  This past week, he asked what was something that just amazed us about the Lord....and my answer was how He speaks to each of us on a personal level.  That never ceases to amaze me, even though I know it shouldn't 'cause He's a personal God.  I love how I can talk to Him about anything and everything.

Sometimes, though....He can really speak to us about things that we might rather not have to deal with!!!

I've been feeling very convicted about overeating....and not exercising.  One night last week, I didn't sleep much at all and it seemed each time I woke up, I had on my mind how I hadn't been taking very good care of this body He gave me!!!  

I shared this with some of my friends on Facebook....but here's what He did!!!

I decided this past SONday night that I would get up and walk Monday morning.  I laid my "walking clothes" out....got my shoes and socks and all my stuff and put it in a stack together.  Got up early Monday morning and got dressed....and still wasn't feeling motivated, so I sat down and read out of my Journey devotional.  Well....the title of the devotional for Monday, July 16, 2012 first caught my eye....
...."Step by Step".
I figured that God was giving me a little nudge....but, then, as I got into the "meat of the message" it was about a lady going thru a rough time with her family so she called her friend, "Debra" (spelled exactly like mine, by the way)....to go for a "walk" with her!!!

I do believe our precious Lord has a sense of humor!!!

Did I walk?

Oh, yes....I was afraid that it might be more than a nudge the next time!!!

Happy Tuesday, Sweet Reader!!!

In HIS Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!

Tell Me a Story


  1. I just finished reviewing the 10 year olds Primary lesson I'll be teaching next and it brought to mind the little song, ♫Listen to the still small voice, listen, listen. When you have to make a choice, He will guide you...always.♫

    Sounds like I'm being taught something here...thanks sweet Deb.

  2. Debbie, I am right with ya girl! Motivation is much needed for me as well. Coming from someone who used to work out at least 3 days a week and now doing nothing...I have been so convicted as well. Thanks for this...might just be my little motivation! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. Debra, great post. When I started walking AGAIN I ended up on a street named "Hope St". So the days I get to walk I use my time to place before the Lord my hopes, also to call people God lays on my heart. I know several who have lost "hope" and the hope deferred makes the heart sick.

    You motivated me to continue walking and calling, thank you. Blessings

  4. Yes walking is good, especially if we are walking in time with The Lord. I need to be doing that.

    God Bless - Nita

  5. I love this !! God is so awesome....He gave you the push you needed. He's good at doing things like that !

  6. Nudges . . . Got to Love the Way God works. He's been giving me a lot of nudges lately and one of which is "exercising". Enjoyed the post. ~Lorna

  7. Thank you for the reminder that He is concerned with every detail of our lives and will talk to us about each one. Happy Walking!!

  8. God laid it on me to begin walking again... it's been a couple years since I've been out much ... and I thought He was just going to have me go through my neighborhood. WELL, He sent me further and further away. Only a total of about 3-plus miles, but a different direction that I would have considered. Since it's so hot here now, I need to go as early in the day as possible -- since I'm not an early riser, usually, it still is pretty warm when I hit the street. And the purpose? Prayer, worship, praise, singing. When I'm just sitting home, even though reading the Word, I get side-tracked from praying too often. NOW? Pray most of the time during the 50-plus minutes. THEN I come home and get in the books He has laid on me to read on particular topics and be in the Word. It's only been a couple weeks now... and 2 schedule events have kept me from walking those days ... but I can sense the Lord laid strongly in my heart re: certain family and friend issues, AND I can feel my muscles firming up better.

    You just happened to hit the same stuff I was doing at the same time. How cool is that? God is so funny sometimes.

  9. That's awesome! I too was thinking today about the fact the God is so personal and it is one of my favorite things about Him. Love you, Deb!

  10. That's awesome! I too was thinking today about the fact the God is so personal and it is one of my favorite things about Him. Love you, Deb!

  11. I love reading post like this how God talks to His children. And He really is and it is so amazing. We have a wonderful Father. Dropping by from " Tell Me A Story.

  12. I like what you say about the personal nature of our God. A friend and I had a conversation about that very thing this afternoon. This great big God who made the whole universe, also cares enough about each one of us, to love us in very personal ways. So glad you've linked! :)


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24