Chats on the Farmhouse Porch!!!

I've had so much going on with my Mom the last few weeks, I haven't taken the time to join Ms. Patrice on her porch....but thought I'd slow down a bit and sit a spell with the rest of the ladies!!!
What's your favorite day of the week?Why?I truly don't have a favorite day. Every single day of my life is a blessing!!!
Do you have a blog?Please tell us the name of it and how long you've had it.I have this one, Wise Old Owl Designs.My main blog is at Jeremiah 29:11 which I started in August of 2007....but didn't actually start "blogging for God" until May 18, 2008!!!
What's the last book you read?If you're not a reader, please tell us about the last movie you saw.I'm currently reading "In the Presence of My Enemies" by Gracia Burnham. It's the account of the kidnapping of American missionaries and their year of terror in the Philippine jungle. My sweet friend, Ms. Dawn, who met Ms. Gracia in person, bought the book and had it mailed to me!!!
Do you ever doodle with a pen or pencil while something else is going on?Nope....I'm not a doodler!
Tell me about your bathroom towels.What color are they?Do they all match?My towels do not all match and I could care less. I do try to color coordinate the towels with the bathroom, but as long as they're clean....that's all I care about!!!
So....I guess that's that about that!!!
Thanks for letting me join, Ms. Patrice!!!
You're SO right! Every day IS a blessing. It's also a blessing when you have time to drop by for a chat. Have a good week!