Ms. Cathy @ Cathy Kennedy Stories tagged me. I'm supposed to tell 11 things about myself and then answer her questions. I explained to Ms. Cathy that I'm old....and it hurts my brain too much to try to think. Plus....if I list 11 things about myself most of you would be bored to I'm just gonna make an attempt to at least answer her questions!!!!! goes!!!
1. What doctor's visit makes you the most uncomfortable? On a scale of 1-10 rate your comfort level.
The worse part about any doctor's visit is the.....
So....on a "SCALE" (get it...ha! ha!) of would be a 100!!!!

2. Do you prefer a male or a female doctor?
I much prefer a female doctor. I've found, especially as I've gotten older, that another woman can relate to what I'm telling her so much know 'cause she's "been there, done that"!!!
3. Are any of your children named after someone in the family? If so, who?
Our daughter's middle name is "Leigh". We named her after my grandmother....her great-grandmother....Onalee!!
4. If you could rename your children, what names would you pick?
Well, I don't think I would rename Jess....but if I would have to be all-time favorite word!!!
5. Do you consider yourself a concrastinator or procrastinator, or somewhere in between?
I've never really thought about it....but for the most part, I'm a procrastinator. I do better under pressure, so I put things off until the last minute!!!
6. Do you live by a to-do list?
Lots of times if I make a to-do list, the Lord changes my plans....reminds me of these verses of scripture.....
James 4:14-15
Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”
7. What's the one to-do list thing you HAVE to do today?
Why do today what you can put off 'till tomorrow?!?!?
8. What is your favorite magazine to read?
Oh, that would have to be the Journey devotional!! I LOVE it!!!
9. How often do you shave your legs?
May I just say that much more often in the summertime than in the winter?!?!? Isn't that what knee socks and trouser socks are for?!?!?

10. Do you tweeze your own eyebrows?
This one is kinda funny. I used to have them waxed, until I quit work and tried to cut expenses. I do them myself now....but the only way I can see to do it is outside. So....if hubby happens to run in somewhere and leaves me in the car....I dig out my tweezers!!!
11. Who takes the trash to the curb at your house?
We don't have curb-side pickup, so hubby takes our trash in his pick-up to the "trash dump"!!!
Now, that's that about that, as my Grandmother used to say!!!
Thanks, Ms. Cathy, for including me....I think!!!
This was great...feel like I know you better..just so ya know, loved #7, my way of thinking for sure. :)