Thursday, December 15, 2011

Where do you shop?

Each CHRISTmas since our GRANDsons have been born, we get them a CHRISTmas ornament.  This year, we bought our youngest his....and just couldn't seem to find exactly what we wanted for the older one.  When we asked him what he wanted, he said a motorcycle, or a four-wheeler.  Well....Pappy got on-line in search of exactly what he would want....and found it!!!  We ordered the ornament and it came very quickly....packaged ever so a box....down inside this box....
I was so pleased to see that this was a CHRISTian company....and look how they write CHRISTmas....just like I do!!!  There was even a CHRISTian tract included in the package.  I was so impressed with this  company, that I sent them an e-mail letting them know....and they responded back to me!!!

Doesn't it make a big difference when we know that our money is going to support a CHRISTian based company?  That's one reason that I love shopping at Hobby Lobby....and eating at Chick-fil-A....and ordering from DaySpring!!!

Can any of you offer any other ideas for CHRISTian companies we could help support?

HOPE your Thursday is terrific, Sweet Reader!!!

In HIS Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information. I was not aware of these CHRISTian companies. Where I live most of the local businesses have CHRISTian owners.

    The majority of my shopping is done at 2 local stores that are closed on Sundays. I like supporting businesses that observe the Sabbath Day!


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sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24