Thursday, December 1, 2011

Stamp of Approval!!!

Psalm 127:1
Unless the Lord builds a house, 
the work of the builders is wasted!!!

 A few months ago, I signed up to join a Ladies Bible Study.  I did it for a couple of was to get to know more people....another was "just because" I had been involved in several group studies in the past.  One thing I didn't do....was pray and seek God's guidance in whether it was in His will for me to join!!!  I signed my name on the list....went to the  first class....paid the fee and got my book....watched the DVD.....and the entire time felt such a low feeling in my spirit.  On the way home, I called Pappy and told him how I felt.  A few days later, I heard Chonda Pierce on the radio speaking about how she had done something before God sanctified it!!!  
Did that ever hit home?  

Was attending the class wrong?  Absolutely was a wonderful study by Kay Arthur and the group leader is such an amazing Bible scholar....I know that because she's in our Sunday school class.  The wrong part was that I didn't pray first and seek God's "stamp of approval" on joining the class.  It would have saved me a bit of embarrassment if I had done that first!!!

Lesson learned....pray first before taking action!!!

Psalm 90:17
And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful.  
Yes, make our efforts successful!!!

Dear Lord....let my success be in obedience to you!!!

In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!

p.s...someone asked if I continued the study.
No, I didn' wasn't in God's will for me!!! 


  1. If we all would learn this lesson ... our life was have less stress and "crow pies" ... Happy Thursday Deb

  2. Curious about whether or not you continued?!?

  3. GOD's blessing is needed in all that we do in life. A lesson we must continually learn

    OK< I love your Christmas countdown art. Don't be surprised if it appears on my blog

    I love Nativity scenes!


  4. I think one of the hardest tests is to follow the promptings of the Spirit when it doesn't make any sense. You are awesome! Thanks for your example.

  5. Hello, what a beautiful blog. I'm Sarah, I just started following from Hoppin Weekend. I am following via GFC, Facebook and on Pinterest. I would love for you to stop by and follow back. Thanks and Happy Holidays!

  6. Thank you for this reminder.

    I've been berated over my "unwillingness" to teach a Sunday School class. Unwilling is their term. I strongly feel this is not God's will for me right now.

    I've been made to feel guilty. I can not go to church without being inundated. So much so that I've pulled away from going on a regular basis.

    I wish God's people would just ask and say "pray about it".

    I needed this post now. This clarified some issues for me.


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24