Monday, March 21, 2011

Resist the Urge

 Edited to add:  To the ladies in my Sunday school class who are stopping by....I just have to let you know....that I wrote most of this post on Saturday afternoon....before I had read our lesson....and before Ms. Kay talked about habits yesterday!!  I had to smile when she brought  the subject up!!!

I know this is an odd post title....but let me explain!!
I have some habits....some good....some not so good.    I have some problems with my shoulders.  
I'm not sure what's going on....but I think a lot of it is tension.  It seems that they often feel better if I sorta shrug them.  Well....the shrugging has become a habit that I'm trying to break myself from.  So....every time I feel the need to shrug....I try to tell myself "resist the urge".  I know you probably think that's crazy....but I believe it's helping!!!  Well....I got to thinking "wonder what else I can apply 'resist the urge' to"....and here's a few things that I came up with:

****Resist the urge.... "backtalk".  
I got into more trouble for doing that growing up....just ask my Momma!!  As an adult, though....I really need to "resist the urge" to be so defensive when people do/say things that offend me.  
I need to just keep my mouth shut....and let the Lord handle the situation....not me!!!

****Resist the urge.... always feel the need to "explain myself".  
If I've done what I feel God has led me to do....then, why should I have to explain it!!

****Resist the urge.... argue with God.
Do any of you do that?
Oh, how I HOPE you don't....because all it does is make you miserable.  So many times....I try to convince myself that I'm right about something and just continue to struggle....when all along if I would just listen to that "still small voice"....I would have saved myself lots of tension...which would have helped my shoulders, too!!!

****Resist the urge.... overeat when I'm  tired!!!
I discovered a couple of years ago that I tend to just eat at random....when I'm tired and I really just need to go to get some rest!!!

****Resist the urge....
.....I believe I could go on and on....and on....listing things....but, HOPEfully, you get my point without me giving away too many weaknesses!!!

As I was typing and letting the Lord lead my thoughts....this verse came to mind....

I Corinthians 10:13 (NIV)
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.
But when you are tempted,  he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

"what is common to mankind".....lets me know that any temptation....or "urge" that I might have....has  been felt by somebody else, too....all down thru the ages!!!  So....I'm not the only one with weaknesses....and faults....which is so good to know!!!

Happy Monday, Everybody!!!
HOPE you have a week full of blessings!!!

In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. Very thought provoking. Started thinking about things I could be resisting. I am sure I can come up with a list (or a couple Works in progress. Newest follower from blog hop. Hope you can stop by my blog and follow back. You can find me at


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24