If you'll bear with me as I tell the tale of how these little owls came to be....then, there's a give-a-way at the end....but don't rush down there now....just be patient.....after all....it's a virtue!!!
Once upon a time there was an old flannel shirt that belonged to Ms. Deb's Daddy (that would be my Dad). Her daughter, Jess, wore it as a teenager, sorta as a jacket....but since Ms. Deb's Daddy passed away in 1994, the shirt has just hung in the very back of her closet....
....one day while blog hopping....
Ms. Deb came across something and had a brainstorm
(which gave her a headache and she had to take a nap).....
.....but once her nap was over....
....she knew exactly what she was gonna do with her Daddy's old shirt!!!
You see....what Ms. Deb had seen....was a teddy bear made out of an old shirt!!!!
.....she knew this was exactly what her Daddy's shirt had been hanging around waiting on....to be turned into....not a teddy bear....but....what else?!?!?
Come on....take a wild guess!!!!
.....AN OWL....of course!!!
What would be more fitting to honor her Daddy ....than a whimsical little stuffed owlie?!?!
So....Ms. Deb searched the Internet....and found a free tutorial that Emily Ashby @ Toad's Treasures was so very kind to share with her readers!!!
Ms. Deb tweaked the pattern just a bit so that she could make her little owlies special for each person who would receive one!!!
....one day while blog hopping....
Ms. Deb came across something and had a brainstorm
(which gave her a headache and she had to take a nap).....
.....but once her nap was over....
....she knew exactly what she was gonna do with her Daddy's old shirt!!!
You see....what Ms. Deb had seen....was a teddy bear made out of an old shirt!!!!
.....she knew this was exactly what her Daddy's shirt had been hanging around waiting on....to be turned into....not a teddy bear....but....what else?!?!?
Come on....take a wild guess!!!!
.....AN OWL....of course!!!
What would be more fitting to honor her Daddy ....than a whimsical little stuffed owlie?!?!
So....Ms. Deb searched the Internet....and found a free tutorial that Emily Ashby @ Toad's Treasures was so very kind to share with her readers!!!
Ms. Deb tweaked the pattern just a bit so that she could make her little owlies special for each person who would receive one!!!
So...without further adieu....here's the outcome!!!
May I present to you Owliver!!!!
He belongs to our GRAND-son who will turn FOUR (I so can't believe that)....in a few weeks.
Ollie the Owl belongs to our baby GRAND-son....but DO NOT call him a baby boy....he will inform you in no uncertain terms that he is a BIG BOY....but he will ALWAYS be our baby!!!
's the color orange....and stars!!!

Owlivia was made especially for my daughter, Jess....because she loves teals and browns....and, especially polka dots.....

And....Owlbrey (Pappy named her)....is mine.

I made her in colors that match my craft room!!!!
I made her in colors that match my craft room!!!!
I used my Dad's shirt for the back of each of the owls. Their beaks and feet are cut from scraps of the leather left over from Pappy's coat that I made this purse from. And...on their little bottoms....I sewed one of my "Made With Tender Loving Care" labels.

So....each of the little owlies have a special meaning to all of us....in more ways than one!!!
Now....here's where y'all come in if you've stuck with me this far!!!
So....each of the little owlies have a special meaning to all of us....in more ways than one!!!
I have an extra owl....because I changed my mind about one of them. I woke up with how I would change one of the owls to make it more special (with the stars)....and thought that if I reached 125 followers.....then, the "extra" owl will be given away to a special follower.
And...guess what?!?!?
I crawled out of bed at 2:30 in the morning because I couldn't wait (that's how old people are when they get something on their minds).....to prowl thru my stash of scraps to see if I had the piece I needed to make the change (which I did).....and.....when I checked my blog....
....I had exactly ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE followers!!!
......here's how!!!!
1. Leave me a comment and let me know who you would give your owl to if you're the winner.....or, if you would keep him for yourself....and what name you would choose for him/her!!! If you prefer not to leave a comment....but would like to be in on the give-a-way....then, send me an e-mail....just click on "contact me".
2. Leave another comment that you're a follower of Jeremiah 29:11 (sign up to follow if you haven't already and let me know!!!)
And...that's how you'll get 2 chances to win!!! And...for a third chance....if you want to blog about the give-a-way on your own blog....then, that'll give you one more entry....just leave me another comment with the link!!!
I'll take comments until Monday evening, July 12th....and announce the winner on Tuesday morning!!!
I'll take comments until Monday evening, July 12th....and announce the winner on Tuesday morning!!!
Friday Blessings to each of 'ya!!!
ReplyDeleteI came over from NFF. Your owls are just beautiful! What a wonderful giveaway to have. :) I especially like the one you made for your daughter because it uses my colors ;)
Have a wonderful Friday,
Good Morning, Deb!
ReplyDeleteWhat an adorable and sweet idea...you have "sparked" an idea in me about some "treasures" lying around my house. I would love to have this owl...especially because you made it and you are such a dear!
I am also a Jeremiah 29:11 person. I love them owls:)Your newest, happy to have found you, follower. Do follow back if you can
ReplyDeleteYes, we are followers of Jeremiah 29:11. It is just part of our daily rountine to see what the post is for each day.
ReplyDeleteI think it is just adorable. I guess I will give it to our son Jonathan just because it is his b-day this month. I will let him name it he is good at naming animals. Some day he might just be a veterinary.
ReplyDeleteEntry #2 I am already a follower
ReplyDeleteOh, I would keep the owl, because I have special things in my office from my online friends. His name would be Jeremiah :-)
What a precious story!!!
ReplyDeleteThe beginnings.... I love it!
Ok this is entry #1 :-)
I may have to emial a little story about some jeans and bunnies!
Entry #3 I added your giveaway link to my blog
new follower from nff!
ReplyDeleteoh squee! He is AWESOME. I would give him to my lovely fella whose family has an OWL Sanctuary. I would call him T'Whoo T'owl.
ReplyDeleteAlso I am a new follower I thank you again for sharing the story.
ReplyDeleteyour story about the origin of the owls made me tear up a little bit. I have a lot of my daddy's shirts in a basket in my closet, he passed away when i was 13. If I got the cute little owl i would name the owl OWLAN (alan) after MY daddy and i would keep him myself to remind me that even though its hard even after all these years I am not alone in missing my dad.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Visiting from NFF
I posted a blog about your post... http://lifewithoutwhimsy.blogspot.com/2010/07/very-special-post.html
ReplyDeleteAnd of course I follow your blog! Love it !!
I would give it to my nephew whose birthday is coming up in a few weeks.
ReplyDeleteI can't even imagine the name that a two year old would come up with. :)
Precious story! Thank you for sharing. The owls are just ADORABLE!
ReplyDeleteI heard about your giveaway through ChristieCottage's blog. :)
That's a tough question... I love the owl, but I have a friend who is a stuffed animal freak, so I might send it to her as a "just because I love you" gift. :)
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for inviting me over for the giveaway. The owls are so cute! The idea of recycling a shirt into an owl. Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteI heard about this give-a-way at What'slifewithoutwhimsy and just had to stop by! I love the story behind the shirt and how much it means to you...I have a sweater that belonged to my grandpa that I wore for months after he passed away...it still has a place in my dresser drawer and sometimes I just take it out and feel it...somehow it makes him seem closer....
ReplyDeleteI would love to win such a thoughtful item. I would give him a new home (once we find one a we are in the middle of a move!) in our homeschool room...he looks like he would love to be read to in our reading corner and I have plans to put a tree on the wall that would make him a perfect fit in our "forest"! lol I Think we'd probably name him Jeremy...we like to name things after paces they come from... ;)
Please stop by my give-a-way too!
I am a follower now too! Its so nice to "meet" you!
I blogged about this giveaway!
Hello! I am a new follower of your blog and I am also in love with your owls! They are super cute! At first, I thought that if I won this owl, I would keep it for myself because it is just too cute. Then, I changed my mind. My best friend's son, who by a miracle of God is here, is in love with owls and so is his mother! I would love to have this owl to give to him as a gift and just a reminder of how much he is loved by everyone that surrounds him! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm SO glad you love the owl!! These ones are SO cute!! This is Emily at Toad's Treasures. Great blog...so good to meet you...and if your interested...
ReplyDeletei'll be posting another super cute easy owl pattern REALLY soon. Come visit soon!:)
I love your little owlies! I thought I already WAS a follower until I looked and saw that I wasn't. What in the world?? When I read your little blog all the time!! LOL Sooooo, now I am! :)
ReplyDeleteI would love to win your owl and I would keep him at my house as a special friend for my granddaughters when they come to visit. They love having special things at Nana's house! I think I would name him Owlbert. Just because I think it's cute and so is he!
ReplyDeleteOHH I just love your darling owls and the sweet story too. I'm visiting from Tatertots & Jello. I would probably give him to my girls and let them name him and they would come up with some darling name that we would all giggle about. Thanks for the fun!
ReplyDeleteYour owl babies are too cute! I would have to share him with my 4 year old, he would love it! We would name him Owlbert! :) Great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower now, Ms. Deb!
ReplyDeleteHow cute!! And how sweet of you to give one of your little guys away! I would either keep him for myself or give him to my son...who's room is orange. And I guess I would name him Owliver...cause that is cute, and I love to copy!
ReplyDeleteI'd give this cute lil guy to my son...he LOVES owls! Just LOVES them
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower!
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower! Your blog is great!
ReplyDeleteYour owls are so cute! I would totally keep him all for myself. I guess I'll have to try to make one for my boys. I love stuffed animals! His name....Whoie the Owl. lol
ReplyDeletecute! Keep it for myself!
ReplyDeleteOh, how sweet! And such a good way to share the precious memories of your Dad with others! I would keep him....let one of my dollies hold him, name him Hoot and maybe even try to make one! Thank you! How special! ♥
ReplyDeleteI am a new follower! Hope you'll visit me, too! ♥
ReplyDeleteAmy J.
My daughters room is owls...this would go perfectly!! Maybe would call it Owlive Tree!!
ReplyDeleteyou go girl! 37 comments! whoo hoo!
ReplyDeleteHi Deb, Of course you know I'm a follower--I have been for a very long time.
ReplyDeleteI would put him on my couch as he matches my decor perfectly.
I'm also a new follower!!
ReplyDeleteI love this idea! The thought of using something from a loved one is genious. I would give the owl to my daughter, who is turning 5 in about 3 weeks. She'd name it something cute, I'm sure!
ReplyDeleteEntry #1:
ReplyDeleteIf I won, I would give my owl to my mom. She's been collecting owls since...well, as long as I can remember. To have a sweet story attached to it would make it such a special gift. She LOVES sentimental stories like that. You know, "Chicken Soup for the Soul" type stuff. My two daughters names are Peyton Olivia and Elise Avery, so I think I will name her Owlivia Avery after my girls middle names.
Entry #2: I just became a follower today. Feel free to follow back. I am a new blogger, with a collection of simple recipes for the busy mom (or dad or anyone). My recipe blog was born out of a conversation with fellow stay at home moms HATING that 4 pm "what am I going to make for supper" time. I'm loving it. So fun. The first 17 followers were people I knew, but my latest 4 are strangers. So exciting.
If I won this owl I would definitely give it to my son Levi. And I'm not sure what I would name it, I would let my son decide! :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd I have now become a follower :-) found you through Tatertots and Jello!
ReplyDeleteI adore these owls! Love that you used bandana and scraps! So cute!
These are SOO cute! I love the blue/brown one!
ReplyDeleteI am following you!
Found you through TaterTotsandJello.
ReplyDeleteThese are great! I have not seen any for boys yet. If I won one, I would give it to my son, who is 6. Since the age of 1 1/2, he has had an imaginary friend named "Hoot-Hoot." At our old house, we used to have to open the porch door to let Hoot-Hoot into his room...each night. When we moved, we packed up Hoot-Hoot in a (empty) cage and brought him with us. When we hear owls on our roof, we wake him up at night and let him listen. To say Hoot-Hoot is his best friend would be an understatement.
I don't have a blog, but I would love to win it for Henry, my son.
Thanks for the chance!
Although I have two little boys who would LOVE one of your adorable owls for themselves, I think I would like to make an owl be a "family" owl who could watch over all of us. I would let my boys name him though, knowing them they would simply name him "Owl." haha.
ReplyDeleteI have a SPECIAL little boy in our family that would just love this cute "OWL" pillow! If I win...I think I would name him WOODY!
What a cute idea!
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower:)
Your owls are just too cute! If I win, the owl will be given to my daughter. Her sorority's symbol is the owl. The owl would keep her company at college. Thank you for the chance.
ReplyDeleteI am now following you.
ReplyDeleteI'm now following!
ReplyDeleteI love all the thought and sentimental value you put into your little owls! Since I was a Chi Omega and our "mascot" was an owl, I have a small owl collection. I would keep her and name her Chi Owlmega I believe. :) God bless.
ReplyDeleteThese owls are so ca-ute! I re did an owl that I got from a garage sale, but I don't have any owl stuff so I am gifting it to a friend. I would add the brown and blue one as a gift to this friend as well. Thanks for hosting the giveaway.
Makaz Home
ReplyDeleteI love your little owl. How adorable. I would love to win this owl. I lost my Grandmother this past year. She was 103 years old. I have all of her clothes and was thinking about making blankets out of them but your owl is a great way to keep our loved ones memories close to us. My Grandmother never learned how to read or write but she was the smartest woman I have ever known. Her name was Wavey and she had so much wisdom so I would name the owl "Wisdom Wavey"
Thanks for a chance to win :o)
I am now following your blog. I also love Jeremiah 29:11. It is my very favorite Bible verse and it has gotten me through so many trying and happy times in my life.
ReplyDeleteThanks :o)
I am now following your blog. I also love Jeremiah 29:11. It is my very favorite Bible verse and it has gotten me through so many trying and happy times in my life.
ReplyDeleteThanks :o)
This story touched my heart!!! What a great idea!!! How brave to use the shirt and give a small piece to everyone he loved!!!! I would be honored to win this owl!!!
ReplyDeleteI started following your blog!!! Love it!!!!
ReplyDeleteI would give the owl to my sweet little girl! She LOVES all stuffed animals...as for a name...I'd have to let her choose...she's in bed right now...sorry!
ReplyDeleteJust thinking about your Dad's shirt being used this way brought tears to my eyes! I have several of my dad's old t-shirts that I may have to make into something like this! Thank you for sharing your story and for inspiring me!
ReplyDeletePrecious! My niece would love this! What a great idea making it out of your dad's shirt. Sooo sweet!
ReplyDeleteI am a follower. :)
ReplyDeleteYour owls are sooo adorable! I have been wanting something like this, so I would probably keep him for myself. I don't know what I would name him yet. I have a hard time picking out names. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI adore the owls! The moment I saw the ones that look like little western wear I wanted one for my cousin that is having her first baby boy and is doing a western theme for the nursery. The owl would fit right in and be the best addition.
ReplyDeleteHi You’ve got a great blog and those owls are too darn cute. I’d love it if you’d link up to my Tot Tuesdays party- a linky party dedicated to all things toddler: http://www.mydeliciousambiguity.com/ Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely ADORE your owls!!! And your blog which shows your heart! Blessings!