Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Real Life

In the world of can find one on just about any topic you can think of....and find a wealth of information out there.

But....if we're not careful....they can also be a bit depressing sometimes....if we get into the habit of comparing our decorating skills....crafting skills....any skill we may, or may not have....with theirs!!!

This can even be applied to your "blogging skills".
I know of several bloggers who try to give pointers on how to have the "perfect" blog....which, in their opinion....includes "do not have music on your blog".
Maybe it depends on what you're blogging about....or Who you're blogging for....but for myself, I happen to LOVE my music!!!
( Playlist is at the very that if my taste doesn't happen to be the same as can easily turn it off)

I know this comparison happens in "real life", too...not just in the blog world.  We often see others who seem to have it all together....they're perfect Momma's (or Grandma's)....keep their house spic and span....seem to be able to take a 24 hour day and spread it out to get 36 hours worth of time out of it....never waste a single second....and are even able to be just like the woman in this old Enjoli perfume commercial.....

Well....this ain't me!!!
I'm trying.....I really am.....and about the only part that I'm getting right these days is the decluttering part that I learned from the FlyLady.  I've lost count of how many boxes of "stuff" I've taken to our local Appalachian Outreach.  You'll never know how good it makes me feel to fill up that cardboard box and drop it off!!!  But, it's also a bit embarrassing that I've accumulated so much junk over the years!!!
There are still areas in my house that I would be ashamed for you to see. 
There....I've admitted it!!! 
Am I the only one?
No....I think I see a few other hands raised out there. 
Phew.....I was getting a bit paranoid!!!
What I'm getting that we don't need to compare ourselves with others....(although there's nothing wrong with having a mentor....someone who can give you sound advice). 
We're all different....that's how God made us. 
Let's not carry to an extreme trying to
"keep up with the Joneses"!!! 
We can admire....and even get wonderful ideas from others....but let's just be the individuals God made us to be!!!
2 Corinthians 10:12 (my own interpretation)
We do not dare to compare or classify is not wise. 
Psalm 139:14 (KJV)
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
Blessings to you!!!
In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!


  1. First of all, I totally remember that commercial! My friends and I would sing it into our hairbrushes. So awesome that you found it.

    No, I'm not that woman either. It is so hard not to compare, isn't it? Thanks for the reminder that we are how the Lord wanted us to be!

  2. take the music off your blog, there will be crying all over Kodak!
    Second...most of the people who think they have a "perfect" anything, it is just their opionion. Your home (some people only have a house-very sad)is a wonderful place for you and Pappy to play with Sam & Saw.

  3. If you're like me, I have lots of trouble changing my blog background and etc.... I end up messing it up some how, that's what went wrong with the comment problem. And another thing, my house is well lived in, kind of tidy but definately not perfect. I'm just to tired to clean, especailly the spic and span way. I too remember that commercial and thought my life will never be like that, lol! Love ya.... :)

  4. I completely agree with you. I've been noticing the comparisons and bickering lately. As a result, I actually removed myself from a few blogs (not yours though...You are still in my blogroll:). I love your positive attitude and would love it you checked out my new blog at It is going to follow my writing journey and my attempt to get my stories out to the world!

  5. I think I may have left you the wrong URL for my new blog. It's so new that I've already forgotten. :) It's And I love your playlist!

  6. i compare alot!! too much! i so understand. mine is more weight!

    betty is coming on right now! ahaah!!! love you.

  7. Deb, You are right..we shouldn't compare. And I think music on your blog is perfect!

    I'm so glad you are decluttering! I love FlyLady and have been packing up bags and boxes for two weeks now. Tim is so happy because I even let him decide what to chuck! Now that is depressing (just kidding)...but freeing too!

    By the way, it's funny you should mention that..but I'm going to be trying to actually blog less -- at least not daily-- so I can have more time to sew and to respond to my family's needs. I get sort of pressured and think..Oh! I need to post something...and there's a lot on my mind to post...but it can know?

    Thanks for sharing on this topic. :o)

    I love how unique your blog is.

  8. Hi Deb, I have to say again what a great post this is and I love that commercial. I sing on a regular basis..but only as a joke of course. My daughter thinks it's so funny, but I'm going to have to show her this! Hilarious! Now she will know why I love singing this dumb commercial! It's so ridiculous any way..isn't it?

  9. I liked this so well, that I posted it on my Ten Best Posts I Saw This Week.


  10. Oh.. Dun go comparing.. You are perfect as you are... There is only 1 YOU in this world.. and that is perfection achieved in God's sense...


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24