.....people to see!!!
For the next few days...like most of the rest of y'all....we have lots of things we've gotta do....just like my title says....places to go and people to see!!!
I'll be cooking and we'll be eating 2 big meals in one day on Christ-mas Eve!!!
(no wonder people.....I.....gain weight during the holidays).
Then....we'll be having our Christ-mas celebration with our kids and grandsons on Christ-mas Day.
(no wonder people.....I.....gain weight during the holidays).
Then....we'll be having our Christ-mas celebration with our kids and grandsons on Christ-mas Day.
So....I said all of that to say this....I'll be back next Monday. I'm gonna take a bit of a break to enjoy Christ-mas with our families.
I'll leave you with what I read on a church sign earlier this week:
Jesus is the Reason for the season.
So...don't "X" Him out of Christ-mas!!!
Christ-mas Blessings to each of you,
Merry "CHRIST"mas Debbie