But...here was my thinking....in case you care
I've said before that I don't decorate much for Halloween....except for the Jack-O-Lantern that I put on the porch on Halloween night to welcome the little ones (who get a Wendy's free frosty coupon...and a tract explaining the plan of salvation!!!).
But...we were at Cracker Barrel a couple of weeks ago...and we found this in the Halloween stuff...and since it's not really all that Halloweenie...but it's one of my favorite little thingies (trying to be a poet...I know, try harder!!)

Here's the little towel hanging on my stove...along with the other little "owl towel" that the boys got me last year...and a little tea towel with acorns
(something else I love!!!)
I got the acorn towel at Biggie Lotties after Thanksgiving last year for around 50 cents!!! I love me a bargain...and I love Biggie Lotties.
(Jess told me today that I used to hate that store...I don't remember that...I truly don't!!! )
Sorry, Big Lots if I ever shunned you....because you are now one of my favorite places to shop!!! And..for those of you who also shop there a lot....go to the service desk and sign up for a card...have them scan it every time you make a purchase....and after so many purchases, they will send you a 20% off coupon. Also...in case you didn't already know this....go to their web-site....and become a BUZZ CLUB member...and they will occasionally send you an e-mail with a 20% off coupon.
(and no...they are not paying me to say this...wish they were....
....along with Mayfield's!!! ha! ha!)
Can't beat that with a stick, now can 'ya?!?!?!?
Okay, I'll quit blabbing...here's the pic!!!
As for my love of owls...not sure how that ever got started...but....my dear friends...I have more than I'll ever need....as a matter of fact...I'm thinking of having an "owl yard sale"!!! Any takers out there???
Happy, Happy Friday, Everybody!!!
Hope each of you have a Fantastic Friday.....
.....and a Wonderful Weekend!!!

Does this mean I need to take back the owl nose hair pluckers and owl toilet paper cozies I bought you last week? LOLOLOL