Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Aretha Franklin sang about it!!!
Rodney Dangerfield never got it!!!
Merriam-Webster defines it as "high or special regard".
I'm talkin' about RESPECT!
When you hear that word....do you automatically think of a certain person.....a certain someone who you have the utmost admiration for? Somebody that you truly value their opinion....no matter what the topic might be....you just know they are going to be able to give you some advice to help you...make you feel better....give you comfort....keep your confidence?!?!?
The word respect can probably bring up a lot of different feelings.
I distinctly remember when my Dad passed away, I was very concerned about what I would wear when we had the receiving of friends. I asked my Mom if my dress was okay because I didn't want to do anything at all to disrespect my Dad's memory. Another incident that comes to mind when I think of the word "respect"....is the local trial of those who are accused of terrorizing.....torturing....and taking the lives of a young couple.
Where was the respect in that situation?
There was absolutely no respect for human life.
No respect at all shown toward a human being.
I've read...and heard....a lot of different opinions about the outcome of this last trial....so many people, Christians included, thought that the young man should have received the death penalty. I have a lot of mixed feelings about all of it. But, I think back to what a man I went to school with told our Sunday school class once when we were talking about how God punishes us for our sins. I'll NEVER forget that he told us.....just having to live with the memory of the sins we've committed can be an extreme punishment. The outcome of the trial can be debated and minds never changed over what the punishment should have been for the young man.
But....I do know this.....as a Christian....as I watched the television as the verdicts were read....all I could do was cry....and pray that God would give this young man a chance to give his life to Jesus. Somebody wanted to know..."Well, how would you have felt if it were your daughter"? I cannot even begin to imagine...and I won't allow my mind to even go there...but I do know this....my daughter is a Christian...and no matter how she leaves this earth....or me, either for that matter....we will see each other in heaven. I want this young man...and all the rest of those on trial....to be given the same opportunity....to get to spend eternity with our precious Jesus!!!!
If something this horrendous should happen to me....I pray that my family and friends will find it in their hearts to forgive!!!

I know a man who slept with another man's wife and the woman got pregnant. Then, because of his lust and his lack of respect for the woman's husband....he had him killed!!! This man was David....and even though David did those things....don't you think we'll see David one day walking the streets of glory?!?!?

I sure do!!

Did David have to pay for his sins?
Of course he did....go check out I and II Samuel...but also read all the Psalms that were written by David begging God's forgiveness for the sins He committed.
I have a feeling...that if the citizens of the world....would just show a little respect toward one another....there wouldn't even be a debate over the outcome of the trials...there wouldn't even be a need for trials!!!
Realize all of us are different
Every person is part of God's creation
Seek to be understanding
Practice kindness
Each of us are worthy
Treat others as you would like to be treated

1 Timothy 2:1-4 (NLT)
I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.

In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!

1 comment:

  1. I too have mixed feelings about the out come of this trial. And you're right, we should respect each other as human beings. In the beginning even the animals had respect for human lives and vice versa with us towards animals. Peace and harmony was there, and God created that. We should pray for all those who have committed some kind of act that sends them away to prison, for those that can't be found by the law and the families that are victims or of victims, pray that each one will find Jesus and that He will bring peace and harmony to them all and that their eternal punishment isn't hell. There is a judgement day waiting for all of us not just those who have done bad things according to our laws. Thanks for the great post. Love ya...... :)


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24