....around the edges!!!
Have I mentioned how much I love "rust"?
Have I mentioned how much I love "rust"?
Well....Ms. Dawn understands...she loves it, too!!
And....Jess has even found a solution to make things "rust rapidly"!!!

Pappy and I got both of these at a nursery in South Carolina when we celebrated our 25th anniversary. The first thing my Mom said when she saw the second one was ......"you are going to paint it, aren't you"?
She just doesn't understand my love of rust!!!
Old wagon wheel and a rusty rooster...holding hen and chickens...get it?!?!?
It's hanging on an old rusty hook that came from my Mamaw. When I was a baby...many years ago...Mom and Dad lived with my grandparents until I was about a year old. I had a baby swing that hung from a hook on the back porch, and when they put siding on the house....Mamaw gave me the hook!!!
So...that's that about that....just a sample of my love of "rust"!!!
I'm linking up with Susan
for her Outdoor Wednesday!!!

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